10 Foods to Clear Skin and Glow

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10 Makanan untuk Kulit Cerah dan Bercahaya

Already hundreds of thousands of dollars you spend to buy beauty care products, but not too bright skin, especially radiant. Maybe the problem is not on your night cream, but the food you consume. Here are 10 foods that can make your skin glow brightly.

1. Avocado Not all fats are bad for the body. The fat in avocados actually is fat that helps neutralize the bad fats. Combined with vitamin E, avocado is very powerful to reduce the dryness of the skin and hair.
2. BERRY FRUIT Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and other berry-berry contains collagen that makes skin supple, smooth, and fast.
3. GREEN TEA Green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that help fight viruses and slow the aging process.
4. NUTS Rich in vitamins A and E. nuts protect the skin from pollutants while reducing the adverse effects of UV rays. Brazil nuts have even more benefits that strengthen the hair, nails, and make the skin become more supple.
5. OILY FISH Containing fish such as sardines and mackerel oil has fatty acids that are important to make ekstralembap skin and prevent wrinkles.
6. OLIVE OIL This is one food that is good not only for skin but also for hair, nails, and overall body health. Like avocados, olive oil is rich in good fats, vitamin A, and vitamin E, to make the skin smooth and youthful. Choose Virgin Olive Oil that has not been chemically processed.
7. YOGHURT probiotic Rich in good bacteria, probiotic yogurt is very good for skin health. Research indicates that eczema can penderia helped by the intake of probiotic yogurt every day.
8. SPINACH Popeye The Sailor favorite vegetables are rich food sources of vitamin B, C and E. Vitamin C and E is a potent combination of anti-aging, while vitamin E stimulates energy and make skin glow.
9. WHEAT Wheat type of wholegrains are rich in fiber which helps the digestive process. Smooth digestion, toxins settle in the skin was smooth wasted, and the skin will look brighter.
10. WATERMELON This is one fruit that contain many nutrients that are good for skin. The pulp is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, while the seeds contain selenium, good fats, zinc, and vitamin E. All of this powerful combat radical damage and premature aging.

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10 Foods to Clear Skin and Glow
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