Action Woman Bathing In Protest 'EURO-Wash-2012'

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Still Remember by women activists who joined in FEMEN? After their previous naked to protest against the practice of prostitution in Ukraine, this time they returned to take action to voice their aspirations.

Activists from this Femen fans dressed as football teams and bathing in public fountains, located in Independence Square, the city of Kiev. They berbasah-basahan in protest what they called the "Wash-EURO-2012" on Thursday (14 / 7) then. They were protesting the lack of stock due to existing hot water pipe repair underground in central Ukraine annually.

The activist is like to warn the fans who will visit the EURO 2012 title for the first shower before entering their country, because they will have difficulty in Ukraine hot water bath.

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Action Woman Bathing In Protest 'EURO-Wash-2012'
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