Apparently Cameron Diaz porn lovers gave

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LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, News - Celebrity actress Cameron Diaz recently said he had long had a penchant watching porn in hotel rooms, he also praised the employees there who always keep this a secret.

Charlie `s Angel star who was dating baseball player Alex Rodriguez was deeply love and enjoy his love of watching sex videos while in a hotel room. He also says satisfied with the services of the hotel are allowed to do it all as reported by Contact music.

`I'm happy with porn, you know what I like about the hotel? `they are very wise. Diaz said.

Diaz also said the hotel waiters there are very professional, they can keep prifasi visitors and serve them well.

`I like it because they will always give you some small service at the bottom, your room will be charged the same as the other rooms, and they will keep it, he recounts the great`.

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Apparently Cameron Diaz porn lovers gave
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