Obama Urges Compromise to Break Impasse Debt Talks

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President Barack Obama, on Saturday urged the U.S. House of Representatives to achieve so-called "compromise" in an effort to solve the country's debt and deficit problems.
In his weekly speech, Obama said he was willing to do anything to solve that problem, even if not politically popular. But he also said the wealthiest Americans should "pay their fair taxes."
A White House official said President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and other government officials to discuss various "options" with the House leaders of both factions. However, no new talks are scheduled for Sunday.
August 2 deadline getting closer to raising the debt ceiling of 14.3 billion U.S. dollars or U.S. failed to pay its debts, both sides still seem far away from the deal.
Obama has previously said he would consider trimming popular fund is entitled, including pension, health care for the elderly, and assistance for veterans. In return, the President called for higher taxes on wealthy Americans and big corporations. Fraction of the Republic rejected the offer and said it would worsen the economic recovery.
In his weekly Republican, Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah state, blaming the Democrats for the financial turmoil, and said the president and his allies of the Democratic faction in the House have proposed a serious plan to control uncontrolled spending.
Orrin Hatch said that cutting spending, limiting spending and budget menyimbangkan is the only long term solution for the problem.

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Obama Urges Compromise to Break Impasse Debt Talks
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