7 Subject A Promising Future

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For my friends who recently graduated from high school, college level course so the next process to become a more successful and promising for the future. For it must choose the right majors and promising future. Here are some promising subject in the future:

1.DesainThe design is meant here is not just a matter of course but the picture is more promising is a product design or industrial design. Designs like the design of the car, shoes, umbrellas, and others.
2.TeknikAlthough many assume that the engineering department alone will lead to the employee rather than a Boss, so that makes electrical and industrial decline each year. But as long as there is construction everywhere, graduates of this department will always be needed.
3.ICT (Information Communication and techology)The School will discuss the hardware such as gadgets and telecommunication networks. In addition to the science hardware, software science will be studied in this department. Development started to follow the market share, and the current share of games especially online games in dire need of this department. Now, for fans of gaming, either online or not should take these majors.
4.Bahasa and CommunicationsMajor promises in the future because it will knit communication and international relations in an increasingly open free trade, then Indonesia will require experts in the field of communication, especially foreign languages.
5.PlanologiPlanning or planning area and the city is a study program to learn about how to plan a county and city. Over time, most people will live in urban areas, good city planning is absolutely necessary and this department plays an important role to provide advice to developers effort in the macro scale.
6.Kesehatan and EducationInterest in the health department will increase, especially health care for human life is everything. In terms of education, professions such as teachers or lecturers increasingly promising. Besides money, the reward was obtained hereBusiness
7.Jurusan businessbelieved to be developing in the future. Especially seeing the growing entrepreneurial spirit in Indonesia. For those who have business and entrepreneurial spirit should you choose these majors
Those are some majors that promise in the future. In achieving success will also require hard work, creative, and keen to see the opportunities. But besides seeing the potential market, you should notice the potential of yourself. If you have a talent that promises success, you should select majors that support your talent. Make no mistake majors yes. The spirit of ya. hehehe.
source http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2010/08/7-jurusan-kuliah-yang-menjanjikan-masa.html

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7 Subject A Promising Future
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