8 Things Cause Scientific Doomsday Version

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8 Things Cause Scientific Doomsday Version

Ever imagined what the apocalypse will be like? Earth is not as safe as we thought. Here are eight things that could potentially cause the apocalypse.
There are several things that can cause the apocalypse on our planet. Scientists give details about it and the following eight things are.
1. Gamma ray attack
When supenova exploded, the explosion produces gamma rays. If there was an explosion near the earth at least 30 million light years away then it's dangerous.
"These rays can damage the Earth's atmosphere and produce a global fire, burn and kill the living species of the atmosphere within a few months left to live even under the water though," said Annie McQuade, author of a book on global disaster. Fortunately, this incredible explosion far from the planet Earth.
2. Deadly human virus attack
In the book by John Barnes explained how the 'mind virus' could destroy the world. In his other books, Barnes introduced the nano-reconstructor (a tool that can change people's minds) and can be used to order the brains to do evil.
Similarly, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University, Barrett Caldwell said it is better known as 'mass psychogenic illness' which makes infected people become withdrawn and isolated. Until now there is no protection to prevent virus attacks the mind. "Examples terkerennya is genocide in Rwanda," said Howard Davidson, a physicist and professor at Stanford.

3. North and south poles swap places
Every few hundred years, the Earth's magnetic poles reverse. "The problem is not with the change of place, but the earth's magnetic field will attract the sun's radiation around the pole," explains author of Implied Spaces, Walter Jon Williams. "So, if the poles swap places so many people would be burned."

4. The Universe continues to expand
This is called a 'big rip'. Dark energy is forcing the universe to grow and lead to an atomic particle can not meet and interact again. This will cause all materials separated.
This process takes thousands of years, there is no way to prevent these events.
5. Scientists experiment too far
History shows, the greatest danger to man is himself. Along with the development of human experimentation, encouraging the emergence of danger to the world. "The biggest mistake is not experiment but rather the human experiments that use these experimental results," said Williams.

6. Leveling super volcano planet
Super volcano in South East Asia India burned 73 thousand years ago and caused volcanic winter for two decades and destroyed 75% of the human race.
Three of the six volcanic hazard currently exists in the United States (U.S.) where the mountain is likely to cause 'catastrophic volcanic' it.
If the volcano erupts, no one can stop it. Volcanic eruptions can occur from several mountains at once.
7. Computers take over everything
One more katalisme human creation that is now happening. With advances in computers, eventually the computer will take over all human tasks. A more dangerous threat comes from the Artificial Intelligence (AI). "AI is qualitatively better than humans," said McQuade. "AI can learn quickly and easily exceed the 'intelligence' man."

8. Coughing spreads worldwide
One of the simplest causes other is coughing. Deadly flu could spread worldwide very quickly. "Flu is always a threat at any time, especially for fast deployment," said William.
"Another problem is that hospitals now rely too much on antibiotics so ignore the sterilization procedure," he added.
Fortunately, scientists succeeded in developing this dangerous flu virus vaccine. The simplest way against this potential is to maintain cleanliness

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8 Things Cause Scientific Doomsday Version
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