Asia Master the World's Fastest Internet Access

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Asia Master the World's fastest Internet access. It was from the Asian continent to continent survey which has the world's fastest Internet access, there are some countries and cities in Asia are indeed worthy of being recognized internet lover's paradise. Unfortunately Indonesia is not included in this section, only South Korea (ROK), Japan and Hong Kong was the one who controls the world's fastest Internet access.
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In South Korea, high speed internet access is not unusual anymore, it is usual and indeed provided by the government there. Even claimed according to the survey, internet access in South Korea has exceeded or far above the average speed of the internet world.

The results of the analysis conducted Akamai noted, average global Internet speed 1.7 Megabits per second (Mbps). A number of countries it exceeds that speed. However, the city has the fastest Internet access speeds in the world is Masan, South Korea. Average of 12 Mbps and Internet users can download up to 33 Mbps.

Of course, defeating South Korea's internet connection internet connection the United States. Surprisingly enough even, expected late 2012, all South Korean homes have the fastest internet access 1Gb/detik. The statement reports the New York Times. That number is 10-fold increase in South Korea's national standards as well as 200 times faster than the average internet connection of households in the United States.

"100 Mbps is available in the South, but the price can not be reached by the public. Understandably, cost hundreds of dollars per month, "said David Belson, Akamai's Head of Market Intelligence.

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Asia Master the World's Fastest Internet Access
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