How to Display Status Online / Offline Yahoo Messenger on the WEB

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In the posts this time we will try to discuss about "How to Display Status Online / Offline Yahoo Messenger". function and purpose tuh blog so that visitors will be able to directly interact directly with a buddy, if so it will become even more visitors to your blog the same communication easy buddy.

An example would be like this, if the status is down, my friend would like this picture:

Then if my friend online then iconya will change like this:

How to make it very easy pal living trus copy the following script you plug in your sidebar, already know how to partner, that you know like if miles install a "page element", Go to "Page Elements" then "Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript ".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?Abd_roqib"> <img src=""/>
</ a>

Replace the text in red (Abd_roqib) with YM id pal.
note the number "2", could you replace with the other figures and the results displayed image will vary.
good luck ....

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How to Display Status Online / Offline Yahoo Messenger on the WEB
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