Triglycerides are fats. All the fat we eat is triglycerides. They are then transported through the bloodstream to be utilized as an energy source the body.Materials on this one lately busy talking. That said, as excess cholesterol, which has long been proclaimed as the enemy of man, warning against triglycerides began to slide from the medical community. Although still flashed a lot of controversy regarding this material, increasingly revealed adverse effects on health.
Fatty acids that make up the triglycerides used as a source of energy needed by the body's muscles to work or stored as energy reserves in the form of fat. Similar to what happened with excess cholesterol or blood sugar, excessive levels of triglycerides in the blood can bear a variety of health problems.
Measurement of triglyceride levels should be done after fasting for 12-14 hours. In the United States benchmark value used is based on the recommendations that came from the National Cholesterol Education Program, as mentioned below:- Acceptable (acceptable) of less than 200- Borderline high (higher border) 200-400- High 400-1000- Very high is higher than 1000
However, many experts agree that the ideal standard should be under 150, not 200, as the table above. This standard is very essential, especially for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease (including diabetic).
Is very reasonable, if many people are still confused about the right ingredients on this one, especially the bad effects on health. In addition to issues concerning this problem virtually just sticking out, getting clinical proof he has no direct link with coronary heart disease, as when levels of LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein, aka bad fats) beyond normal limits.The reason is, when particles of LDL cholesterol in excessive amounts, they can accumulate along the artery walls and cause atherosclerosis, which makes the diameter of blood vessels constrict and blood flow hence terganggulah. Estuary on the emergence of coronary heart disease.
Conversely, HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol is well known, has the ability to clean up piles of fat attached to the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, high levels have a protective effect for the heart.Triglycerides are transported into the cell by two major particles, namely VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) which was formed in the liver and chylomicrons are made in the gut of the newly absorbed fat.
***As with LDL, VLDL particles can accumulate on the walls of arteries. Not so with that because of large chylomicrons are not able to penetrate the walls of blood vessels (with the exception of mini-sized chylomicrons, commonly called chylomicrons Remnant). In healthy people, chylomicrons can not be detected in the blood after fasting. However, when triglyceride levels higher than 300 mg / dl he can be found in the blood.
When triglyceride levels become too high, blood can someone like milk, because of the presence of chylomicrons. Levels of triglycerides higher than 1000 may elevate the risk of pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas is not only extremely painful, more serious life-threatening and requires immediate action.
Meanwhile, when levels are between 400-500 we are in a situation that is very unpredictable (unpredictable), because this level in a very fast rate can skyrocket exceed 1,000 mg / dl. For this reason, the main concern of experts is more focused on a range of numbers 200 to 400 to 500 mg / dl.
The rise in blood triglycerides has a connection with increased risk of coronary heart disease, especially in those who also suffer from other health problems like diabetes. Low HDL often occur together with the increase in triglycerides. A combination that raises the risk of coronary heart disease. This combination is also a part of syndrome X. Syndrome X is being widely discussed, is a serious health problem affecting a quarter of middle-age population in the United States.This syndrome consists of a collection of symptoms-gajala: high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels airings.
Although high levels of triglycerides in relation to genetic factors, lifestyle has a huge stake. Overeating and inactivity perform physical activity (exercise), a combination that could give birth will lead to soaring obesity levels of triglycerides.
In some cases, high levels of triglycerides can be caused by illness or certain medications, including: diabetes, pregnancy, hypothyroidism (low levels of the hormone thyroxine), chronic renal failure, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), bulimia, cushings syndrome, hypopituitarism, gamopati monoclonal, glycogen storage disease, lipodistrofia, systemic lupus erythematosus, acute intermittent porphyria, the use of beta blockers and diuretic drugs, use of estrogen (for birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy), use of glucocorticoids, the use of isotretinoin, tamoxifen use, the use of protease inhibitors.
***Simultaneous efforts must be done to reduce triglyceride levels. Of course, if lonjakannya in the blood related to one disease or the use of the above drugs, workable solutions must be directed to solve the problem. Modification of lifestyle is very essential to try: weight control, limiting alcohol consumption (in some patients), increased intake of unsaturated fats plus limit consumption of saturated fats, eat more complex carbohydrates than simple types, diit low cholesterol, exercise regularly, stop smoking.
For those who are overweight, weight loss is usually effective in lowering triglyceride levels. Recent research from Lynne and Scott showed that diets high in unsaturated fatty acids, the protein is quite high, and low in simple sugars to reduce excess triglycerides.
Some patients may require the help of medication. Again, medication is not a substitution change in lifestyle. This means that the drug should always be coupled with a healthy way of life as mentioned above. Class of drugs widely used is niacin, fibrates, and statins. However, it can only be used under the supervision of a physician.
written by: the Gospel of Abu Bakr A doctor, working in Marthas Vineyard Hospital, Boston, USA, taken from the daily
Tips Triglyceride Lowering
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