Infidelity The U.S. President

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The news disseminated by Obama's infidelity when he campaigned for a presidential candidate in 2007-2008 and then was re-erupted. But then, the U.S. media keep the name Vera Baker, Obama's former campaign manager who blamed as mistresses.
Obama and Baker affair, if true, just as the U.S. President to-44 is currently campaigning to become a senator in his home state, Illinois. However, Baker eventually into exile in the Caribbean because of Michelle Obama, began to sniff their relationship. Infidelity is not a new sin in the track record of U.S. presidents. Of the 44 presidents, based on documentation of the History Channel almost all have been cheated when they have not served as the number one man in the White House. Only one who has not revealed his sin, that is Ronald Reagan. Some do it in their offices.
Infidelity tertun president ever recorded, was President Thomas Jefferson. President of the face carved into Mount Rushmore is actually a gentleman from Virginia who served in 1801-1809. Although opposed to slavery, he employed slaves on one plantation. It was then that he was interested in a slave that he found in France, Sally Hemings. Both even have five children and only one son who survived to adulthood, Madison. In his will, Jefferson freed Hemings and the descendants of slavery.
Then President Warren Harding (1921-1923) is said to be the most unworthy president in U.S. history. He is very mysterious and killed while in office. Alleged, he poisoned his own wife even though official records stated Harding died of a heart attack. He recorded an affair with two women and a descendant of one of them. Next is a president who many people admired, Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945). Eleanor Roosevelt was not the only love in his life. He had time to establish a love affair with Eleanor's secretary, Lucy Mercer. The affair uncovered because Eleanor Mercer found a love letter to her husband.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), hit the arrow romance a former English model, Kay Summersby, when World War II was going on. Summersby own infidelity dismantle them through a book published after the president was killed. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) ranks a president who had an affair while still in office. The affair was too much for compiled into a list. Starting from the White House staff, reporters, until movie star Marilyn Monroe sex bomb classmates. He even has a special suite at the Mayflower Hotel for fun.
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-1969), the successor to JFK, is also following in the footsteps of its predecessor's. Johnson's smarter to hide it. One of his mistress gave birth to a son that he was hospitalized until adulthood. Johnson bought the apartment for this affair. Last is the most horrendous history of infidelity U.S. president Bill Clinton (1993-2001). The American people still remember the obvious love affair with one of the staff of the White House, Monica Lewinsky. Although initially denied, he finally admitted having an affair with Lewinsky who was aged 21 years.
Bill was fond of having an affair since she was serving as governor of the state of Arkansas. Several other women that were involved in forbidden love with him, among others, an employee named Gennifer Flowers, Sarah Perdue who claimed affair with Bill when he became governor, to the staff of the Paula Jones

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Infidelity The U.S. President
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