prevent Migraine

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Migraine is a type of migraine and not all parts of the head ache. Migraine can occur several times a week, can also only one or two times a year.
The body could be weak for several days during migraine attacks and usually first appears at age 30.

characteristics of Migraine
Migraine can be recognized from the characteristic, almost half of people with impaired vision as initial symptoms, the patient inarticulate, confused, weak hands and feet.
These signs usually occur 10-30 minutes before the migraine pain attack.

The signs are common on all types of migraine is pain if the head is moved, arises a sense of nausea, vomiting, feeling uncomfortable when exposed to light or hear loud noises.

Causes of food.
In general, that encourages the emergence of migraine is stress, hunger and dehydration. Many women who experience migraines during menstruation. Migraine can also be because it is not resistant to certain foods such as cheese, chocolate or red wine. Magnesium deficiency can cause migraines.

To reduce the risk of migraine, eat regular intake of water and consume lots of food sources of magnesium.
Drink plenty of water is important because dehydration is one of the triggers of migraine. The body will take water from the bloodstream and other body tissues if the lack of fluids.
Blood vessels will constrict in an effort to maintain body fluids and this causes headaches.

Sources of magnesium are:

     * Grains such as nuts and vegetables.
     * Know.
     * Brown rice. cereals. broccoli. spinach.
     * Kangkung
     * And others.

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prevent Migraine
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