10 Best Horror Films of All Time

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10. Haute Tension [Alexander Aja]
This is probably one of the best contemporary Slasher films ever I saw, who surprisingly came from ... France? Alexander Aja is a director of horror films of the 2000s era of my favorites and he's already succeeded ngembaliin Slasher films to the reply should be. This film has a powerful story, worked with the genius and ending who will make you say, "What the fuck ???!". Hehehe. Full of cool gore scene who did not interfere with the power of the story of this film at all. Cuman gore scenes of his ornamentation. I think this movie is too genius for dijadiin Slasher movies: D

9. Death Proof [Quentin Tarantino]Being in a package with Planet Terror [Robert Rodriguez] who comical, comical as well as excessive in my opinion. Planet Terror was presented the film you film2 class-B of the 80s with too much. Everything is too far-fetched, and its mostly cameo. But the atmosphere-built QT in Death Proof is very successful. The core of this film starts from the last 30 minutes, so be patient during the first 45 minutes and bacotan gang behavior Seeing who cewek2 danbikin super sleepy it does not matter. The advantages of this film: cinematography yg awesome but still cool, real stuntwoman and actress girlfriend ... oh QT Kurt Russell has brought us back!

8. Bad Taste [Peter Jackson]
Braindead is probably everyone's favorite. But the film is definitely my favorite! Story idea who the super strange, sadistic scenes who trashy heavy, Gory, sloppy, reckless, funny and just take it easy ... still capitalize chainsaw champion to fight the flesh-eating aliens who ber'selera bad 'it! Yeah

7.Pet Sematary
Instead of the pen, so emang title. Lifted from the Stephen King novel, this film presents a zombie in the form of a toddler, and unfortunately ... nyeremin really! Olehcerita supernatural version of Indian spiced, ST emang least understand how to make people frightened by creepy atmosphere and feel of the film who is really American kerasa the 80s. I love it!

6. Darkness Falls 
Fuck! The film ngebawain longer periods of time we lived about 5 or 6 years old, alone in bed at night with the room dark and shadow reply yg dalem imagination if we still like monsters plasticity, suddenly there are voices who do not want our own khayalin and what's under the bed ...?? Whoa. Approximately gitu deh Serves ygsaya time watching this movie. Horrible myths that we fear as a child, sort of. If in this movie, the myth is self-appointed 'tooth fairy' aka tooth fairy who neror little kids who just lost her last tooth. Quote original form nakutin tooth fairy, for times that much mah is already fairly advanced. Serem nih tooth fairy, and also film. Still campy and highly entertaining. Ditontonsama suitable for your gang's vacation time!

5.Mother of Tears [Dario Argento]
Last series of the Three Mothers trilogy [previous masterpiece: Suspiria and Inferno]. The film is probably not better than the previous two films, but At least this film is her comeback anyway buatsaya DA who still tetep thrillin '! Wrote the first 15 minutes I've disuguhin same sadistic scenes of my own who could not watching it, it has not adegan2 who follow later. Still Gory, still nasty in an arty way. The story already weak-nggaksaya peduliin. Anyway mah, lah ya scary movies! Bonus: Asia Argento naked in this movie.

Horror movies who the most successful comedy makes me fall in love. Starting from the early scene in the bar who is also an introduction to the characters, I know this movie would be cool. Acting the players who I have to admit cool dead, dozens of scenes of gore Manteb yg, yg monster2 not clear but very hungry and convincing, and of course wrote: FUNNY. Moreover, kalo inget dialogue: Yes dear, we'll leave as soon as mommy is done with her ​​"meeting". Linings dog is this movie! : D

3.Misery [Rob Reiner]
Yes, this film director who made ​​film2 ama-drama-romantic comedy. Never thought huh? I do not know the film is actually feasible or not inserted horror category. No vicious killer, no ghosts, no scenes of sadistic, there's no hungry monsters, no blood moncor. The film is entirely based on the acting genius of Kathy Bates who plays a mentally ill girl who obsessively hostage and author of the novel's hero after saving the author from an accident in a remote snowy region. Crazy, gimana kalo inget own acting like creeps. Cold, possessive, psycho true! Some people say this psychological thriller given the absence of a formula using that dalamfilm horror banality. But anyone who takes it all with Kathy if only one we already feel ter-terror?
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2.Audition [Takashi Miike]
What if one of the most genius film director to make a movie of all time who the story was written by one of the most genius writer, too? This would probably yes, one of the most disturbing movie I ever watched. And maybe emang Miike's expertise. Audition written by Ryu Murakami [for who never read the book, or do not know who he is, googling now!] Yg emang most famous jagobikin strange story with characters who clumsy. Not unlike the same film. From the beginning of each character dikenalin Asami [it's not his name anyway? Forgot!], We already know there is something wrong with someone who is not. Walking with a slow groove elbow and dragged, TM successfully nunjukin real skill and genius through the last 15 minutes who ... ah, the dog was. Watch yourself ONLY!

1. Scream [Wes Craven]
Fuck yeah. My all time favorite horror movie. This is the coolest horror films who've cult abiisss! Maybe a lot of sources say if the film is too cliche, the story is too full of horror standard formula: a serial killer who terrorized teenagers who damn finicky. But precisely because of Scream, a big budget Hollywood re-allocated untukfilm film2 horror horror and returned victorious in the cinema [inget booming horror movie late 90's after the film made ​​a huge success?]. No cuman, the mask icon ax murderer was suddenly idol when Helloween arrived. At least there are 3 main alesan kenapasaya really liked this film: first, a very creative murder scenes in his time, remember that time [about 96 years huh?] Our poor bener2 tontonanfilm horror. Second, the formula at a glance who looks like another teen movie Slasher-and didn't-make this film very entertaining. But the film is far more clever with complex plots and twist elbow who tetep trouble going to make you guess who the killer really is. Third, emang where else can you nemuin Drew Barrymore-one of the hottest babe, then-run-running scared, dikejer-kejersama murderer and stabbed his stomach [and then hanged], if not in this movie? Message me, be careful if there telfon wrote for fun, do not ditanggepin, if do not want to suffer the same fate

source: http://www.sayakasihtahu.com/2010/07/10-film-horor-terbaik-sepanjang-masa.html

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10 Best Horror Films of All Time
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