Shopping Really Make Women Happier?

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Many said that clothes shopping is fun, but fun is only temporary. But a new study just showed that for women, shopping was truly can bring happiness. How?
This is good news for the shopping enthusiast, but bad news for the condition of our bags. According to the Daily Mail, some researchers interviewed hundreds of people who were shopping at the mall. The shopper is asked to prepare a diary, with notes whenever they shop and what their current mood state. They were also asked to note whether the goods they buy it is ultimately used, or whether they eventually regret having bought the goods.
The results are published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing in the United States, and it turns out people who shop when conditions are bad mood (angry, sad, upset, etc.), typically spend more. 62% claimed to buy lots of stuff to entertain themselves, 28% of shop to celebrate a success.
The surprise is, according to the study, "retail therapy is very beneficial in improving mood, and poses no remorse or guilt." Of the hundreds of respondents who admitted deliberately shopped a lot of stuff just to amuse themselves, only one who feels sorry for spending much money.
Researchers Selin Atalay and Margaret Meloy says, "Buying stuff to entertain themselves proved to have positive consequences, which makes the person feel better."
We've all experienced it myself. Buying goods that did not really necessary, just to make the mood better. Sometimes it's nice to reward yourself, and indeed mood can change from dark to bright. But there are times when the shop when the mind is tangled not think it makes us long to spend money to buy things we do not really need.
In order for the contents of your wallet happy, it helps to avoid far-away shopping when you're a bad mood. Spend time with family, friends, and people nearby, or do your favorite activity in order to return a good mood without having to swipe a credit card.

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Shopping Really Make Women Happier?
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