Children's Three-Year Has an IQ of 140

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saffron_pledgerThanks to his intelligence, Saffron Pledger likely be one of the youngest member of Mensa. Saffron has done an IQ test and is in the process of final accreditation by Mensa. If his IQ score is received, Saffron will be one of the youngest members.

In October 2009, Elise Tan Roberts from London to join Mensa at the age of two years and four months. Mensa is an organization for people with high IQ. Founded in 1946 in England, now a member of Mensa has more than 100 thousand people in the world.

According to the father, Danny Pledger, daughter learn the alphabet while watching programs on TV quiz, Countdown. 23-year-old man who works as a web designer is a Countdown champion eight times.

At an early age Saffron able to write, read stories, count up to number 50, as well as doing simple math problem (all of these students are usually obtained at the beginning of the school). "I'm just a kid, but I am very happy to pass the test (Mensa) even if they are loud enough. When growing up, I want to play with toys all day. I would like the school, painting, drawing and traveling, "said the blond boy was quoted as saying by the Telegraph, in early June.

The father claimed not to know where her daughter had inherited intelligence. "I do not know where Saffron got intelligence. We just pushed him, that everything he does is smart. He likes to watch Countdown with me, it helped him learn the letters. He's very competitive. Hopefully one day he became better than me, "please his father.

Saffron's mother, Kirstie Pledger (23 years) stated her daughter's first words are "beer". Saffron first before they can sit down to talk. At 18 months, Saffron can say full sentences.

"He was slow in motor, but his speaking ability is very good. He can add, subtract, read, and write. If we bring a book from the library, I would read to him once and he'll read it back to me, "he explained. The mother added that she and her husband did not do anything special for Saffron. "And if it is outside the house, we saw the signs and read to him," he concluded.

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Children's Three-Year Has an IQ of 140
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