PES Matters 23rd July 2011

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As more and more PES2012 information is released, it’s pretty clear there’s plenty of excitement surrounding the game. Some groundbreaking changes, and hopefully better gaming mechanics should mean we have perhaps the most immersive PES experience ever when we finally get our hands on to it.
But whilst there is this refreshed streak of optimism, there will be plenty of us who still have an element of sceptimism towards the game.
The reasons for this range from FIFA fanboys just trying to troll, to genuine PES hardcore players who still feel PES5/6 were the pinnacle of the series, and still pine for an experience building on those great engines.
Whilst other sites such as WENB have been doing a great job giving us a feel for what the game experience on early builds is like, I’m not sure all core concerns are being addressed in reports.
They have been giving us coverage on their gut feel for goalkeepers and referees who have always been a perennial source for complaint with the series. But there are other elements of the game which I think we need to get answers to.
For me personally, I’m still waiting for full freedom of movement of players. I’m still frustrated that there was a Super Cancel function in PES2011. Players still are on rails when the ball is going off for a throw in, and you’re left helpless as your player tries to control a ball, which otherwise would have gone out for a throw for your team.
Yes Super Cancel can occasionally be employed in these situations, but in principle, i should be able to just let my player watch the ball go out. Any goal kicks see your players lock up with an opposition player when waiting for the ball, and you can’t break off and try to challenge for the ball.
I’d be very interested in compiling a core list of what you consider game breakers. What are the failings in the series that have always been there, which put you off playing the game, and in many cases, moving to the dark side? Please provide me a list of around five game breakers which you feel must be fixed in order for you to truly accept that PES is back.
I hope I’m not coming across as too negative about the forthcoming game – there appear to be a series of very exciting additions to the new game, which could render any game breaker list redundant, but until we get confirmation of this, I’d like to carry the fight to Konami.
I’m expecting to get an invite to see an advanced version of the game than the ones that have been reviewed very soon, and would like to go armed with your key checklist to tick off. I find that when I go in for playtests, the whole experience can be very overwhelming. I’m like a five year old in a sweet shop with the game, and trying to take in as much of the game as possible, and as a result it’s very easy to gloss over suspected failings. Bearing in mind the build being tested is not a complete version, you have to trust issues present will be ironed out.
If I can confirm any number of game breaker issues when I go, then that’s got to be a good thing. So please do fire back some issues and that will help me stay focussed in the playtest and not just marvel at the new additions.
I’d be interested in hearing whether you guys feel PES is closing the gap on FIFA, given the features both games are showcasing this year. I have a few friends who have turned their back on the beautiful game, and choose to play FIFA now. Every year I put the new game in front of them to guage their reactions, and I have to say over the last couple of years, they’ve stuck with FIFA. Personally I can’t get on with FIFA, so I don’t see the attraction they have with the game.
But the key reasoning with their choice of game is that they feel in control of their players, and feel the passing mechanics reflect their actions better. This comes back to my pet hate of not having true control over players.
I’m very hopeful the passing is more advanced in the new game, and will go some way to showing that it’s matured and is worthy of everyone’s attention.
But until we have confirmation, we live in hope.

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PES Matters 23rd July 2011
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