U.S. officials said a Somali man accused of having links with Islamist militant groups were interrogated for nearly two months in an American warship and now in New York to face charges of terrorism.
Officials said Abdulkadir Ahmed Warsame interrogated by intelligence officials in the ocean because of its relationship with al-Shabab militant group based in Somalia and al-Qaeda based in Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula.
They said Warsame provide important intelligence information about the relationship between the two groups.
After the interrogation is completed, American officials said a group of other interrogation Warsame came and started asking again in a way that can be used in court. The lawyer-interrogation Warsame told about their rights under the laws of the United States to remain silent and to have legal counsel, but officials said Warsame continue to provide cooperation.
Case it gives an understanding of how the U.S. plans to interrogations of detainees now because the Obama administration has closed the secret CIA prison network.
Officials said Abdulkadir Ahmed Warsame will be tried in civilian courts.
Somali militants questioned in U.S. Warships
Agus Prasetyo