This is the World's Longest Cigar

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cerutu_KubaJose Castelar, a cigar maker in Cuba, since mid-April, began rolling cigars along the 70 meters in an effort to break his own record that he had created in the Guinness, by making the cigar has a length of nearly two-fold.

67-year-old man had to work for eight hours per day for nine days, and hoping to break the record of its own in 2009, by making cigars over 43.38 meters. "I work hard every day to record the longest cigar," says Castelar.

He hopes to finish the job no later than May 3, 2011, and showcased his work to be judged at the International Tourism Fair, held Monday-Saturday next week.

Castelar learned to make cigars since the age of five. Cigars Castelar acclaimed as the best. Castelar, comes from the province of Villa Clara, Cuba Central, has customers ranging from Mexico to a wealthy Saudi Arabian prince.

That will be his fifth record, in more than half a century of cigar rolling. "Castelar said during his life, Guinness record should be in Cuba. He is very excited now and will get tired during the day passed, but he hopes to fulfill his desire," his spokesman said Amado de la Rosa.

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This is the World's Longest Cigar
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