World's Most Expensive Ice Loli

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esloliA hotel in Mexico launched the most expensive ice cream lollies in the world. Ice is sold at a price of U.S. $ 1,000 or approximately USD 8.5 million.

Ice lollies wrapped in transparent plastic is expensive because it is made of premium tequila drinks. One bottle of tequila was sold for Rp 12 million.

Apart tequila is made from special, in the ice lollies, there are also pieces of 24 carat gold. This is what makes the price more expensive.

According to the manager of Marquis Los Cabos resort, Ella Messerli popsicle-making is one of the most expensive way to attract visitors to his hotel and gave a different experience for guests. "Feeling the popsicle has become a unique experience for our guests," he said.

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World's Most Expensive Ice Loli
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