8 Things Done To Cause The Old Course Become Eternal Student

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8 Things Done To Cause The Old Course Become Eternal Student

Sometimes we often encounter students who are already out of date from a time he should have lived to take the course. There are seen roaming the campus, but there is also a long-bobbed bobbed on campus. Unable to finish college there was a reason, here I try to summarize eight causes of why a student completing their college long ... enjoy:

1. Lecture by necessity
Seeing his son's graduation is a pride for every parent. From deep inside the heart of every parent would want their children to be a smart and successful. Even forcing their children to kuliahpun they could do .. Starting from this it is a necessity when it was a student, he was reluctant to get serious in college, let alone want to quickly graduate.

2. One major
Lose in competition SNCA / UM PTN / PTS majors who have a favorite, causing many students choose other majors (which is not desirable) as an escape when it is not acceptable. The aim is that they still go to college even though the department was not of interest.
3. Too enjoy the freedom of being away from parents
Child Mummy if we are often called, sometimes also be a factor long lecture. Low level of parental supervision (away from parents) sometimes freedom is exploited to excess. Maen works, dating, staying up every night, hang out here and there and others.
4. Busy following student organizations or CBOs
Emotional Intelegency level (IE) that is greater than IQ encourages students to be more fun to organize, socialize, exchange ideas and conduct activities or joining the CBOs rather than learning. Sometimes it's busy spending money, energy, thoughts and also the time that college ignored and not a priority anymore.

5. Excessive hobby
Soft Skill owned by encouraging students to be a hobby. Hobby if it's done fairly well, but if excessive, would interfere with other activities. Some hobbies of a student include: playing games, band, billiards, Playstation, ngenet, Futsal, etc..
6. Males and faltered in the Final
The final task is sometimes considered to be frightening for a student. No experience of research and writing make a student and even harder to pick the title of the study. There are also students who face a resek supervisor, why? Because ngerjain students, ultimately this is what makes students are reluctant to see the professor.
7. Can earn his own money (work)
Work is sometimes necessary for students, especially those less able or to increase the allowance. But not a few of those who fall asleep with his work. The reason is simple, the end of the lecture is to get a college degree can be used as a means to find work to produce money. if tuition alone can have her own money, why should pass rush? So they would rather work than ngurusin college.

8. The lack of job security after graduation
No guarantee this is what most chose to make them much longer than old unemployed college .. Principle: that existing Rezeki ngatur, and when it's fortune, never going where. So, why should quickly pass when the edges are unemployed? Undergraduate course that has been idle much really.

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8 Things Done To Cause The Old Course Become Eternal Student
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