Tips With How Save Money To Salaries aside

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You have a salary that is more than enough to make ends meet, but have you ever thought to set aside items for saving a few percentage points?

It is very difficult to get used to set aside some money for savings as a future investment.

Well, Freddy Pieloor, CFP, financial planner has some tips on how to manage expenditures so as to set aside a little for savings.

According to Freddy, one important thing in preparing for the future by investing is to do it in front.

"So, if you receive income (salary) by 100 percent, you are immediately set aside a minimum of 20 percent prior to investing. The remaining 80 percent can be used to pay for all the necessities of life, including credit cards and lifestyle," explains Freddy.

Another important thing, says Freddy is not using a credit card (prior to debt and buy consumer goods) if you do not have the funds now to pay in full when the bill arrives.

However, if you currently still have some debt, pay off the first debt-debt (particularly high-interest debt) before you start to invest.

"Remember always" speedometer "on the car dashboard panel, where the driver must drive a car does not exceed the permitted speed limit. For example, in a written speedometer 200 km / h, the driver may only be attained speeds of 160 km / h (80 percent) , "he said.

So it is with an employee, Freddy said, should ride of his life with a shop does not exceed the speed limit (income) that exist.

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Tips With How Save Money To Salaries aside
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