What is google panda ?

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If you are struggling in the field of SEO, you definitely know the term seo terms such as backlinks, pagerank and activities such as google bot google dance, cpm, and others. Recently, there is a new term called google panda.

What is with this panda google, google panda is an algorithm created by Google and was launched recently to help google bot in analyzing the contents of the website content is a duplication of existing content. Google panda serves to analyze the content of a website if the content is the result of copy and paste. If your website / blog article is the result of copy and paste or modification of an article from another website it will likely be affected by google panda.

The effect of this will google panda reducing the number of visitors on your website / blog as your article is an article considered to be the result of copy and paste from your website / blog.

Some tips to avoid google panda on your website / blog:

- Use your orgininal article, do not copy and paste the perfunctory of website / other blogs
- If the article you are using English, correct grammar because google panda can detect bad grammar or less is considered good and your article is the article copy and paste.

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What is google panda ?
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