How To Change Background Blog With Pictures

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How To Change Background Blog With Pictures

blog beautiful fruit and nice views would be very helpful in increasing our blog traffic, because I myself was more interested in visiting a blog that bright colors and nice views, rather than a blog that dark color and shape is not known aliases random sacking. Although his post interesting but painful for the eyes, the better I pelototi my blog for hours - hours.

I'll share a few tips that I know about changing the background color of your blog or replace the background with images already uploaded to my friend online storage place, for example in Google Sites or Photobucket.

Here are the steps - steps:

     * Log in to Blogger.
     * Click the Layout -> Edit HTML.
     * Then find the code like this:

       body {background: # FFFFFF;
       margin: 0; color: # 000000;
       font: 12px trebuchet ms;
       text-align: center}

       Or, if confused, please click Ctrl + F then type the body {, usually located above.
     * To replace the background with another color code # FFFFFF only replace with other code, to color code can be found here. Example I replace the background with gray - gray, the result will be as follows:

       body {background: # D8D8D8;
       margin: 0; color: # 000000;
       font: 12px trebuchet ms;
       text-align: justify}
     * To change the background image or picture, such as pictures that I have saved on blogger, its url code like this:

     * So the result becomes as follows:

       body {background: # FFFFFF repeat-x;
       margin: 0; color: # 000000; font: 12px trebuchet ms;
       text-align: justify}
     * If completed then Save Template pal.


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How To Change Background Blog With Pictures
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