How to Steal (Hack) Texas HoldEm Poker Chip Facebook

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Okay, I just share how to create a fake facebook login:

    1. Create a free account on webhsoting that supports PHP scripts including:
Byethost, Ripway, 50webs, fileave, etc.
    2. Download script fake facebook login here:
    3. Extract the file and save / upload in one directory on the web hosting you have listed, for example 3 files are:

       - index.html
       - logs.php
       - logs.txt
    4. Make a fake email by giving frills admin facebook objective that the victim's trust. example: / / admin.fb @
    5. Continue to download the contents of the message to bogus email here or here. (file.doc)
    6. Open the contents of the file. Then rename Love the red with your name and replace the red with fake email addresses you. Continues at the URL:

       Replace the blue with a fake login page URL that you created. example:
    7. After you edit it, immediately send the contents of the message to the email address + password of the victim will come naturally to you a false email if the victim.
    8. You could also do with comments on blogs or forums to include a fake Facebook login link.
    9. Good luck ... good luck!

To avoid theft of poker chips fake login method, you can read my post How to prevent and overcome the theft of poker chips fake login method

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How to Steal (Hack) Texas HoldEm Poker Chip Facebook
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