Lack of Sleep Cause Weakened Endurance Body

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Weak immune system making the body more susceptible to disease and fatigue. Notonly due to the lack of nutrition and nutrition, weak immune system but can also be affected by unhealthy sleep patterns.

A researcher from Yale University as reported from the pages of the Daily Mail that"unhealthy sleep patterns will make the body vulnerable to disease."

In that study is unknown if the usual genetic mechanisms regulating sleep can affectlevels of genes that have an important role in the immune system or immune system.

Professor Erol Fikrig, author of the study have been published in the journal Immunitysaid: "It would be a very important reference for investigating how internal factors have an influence on the body's immune system response,".

Minimal or lack of sleep causes the substance to a person's antibodies no longer work optimally, so that the body easily tired and easily attacked by various diseases. Inseveral scientific journals, sleep is considered as an important event for the body's cellsto repair damaged cells.

Study conducted at the University of Warwick and University of Naples Federico II inmind if someone less sleep, then this condition lead to premature death, and vice versaie if too much sleep. According to some researchers, the ideal duration of nighttime sleep eight hours or less is recommended.

Rest of the body by way of a normal sleep and quality of the brain refreshes andstrengthens memory. While sleeping all the important organs in the body will makeimprovements so that when you wake up your body will feel more refreshed and energetic in carrying out various activities.

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Lack of Sleep Cause Weakened Endurance Body
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