Meaning the problem causes Blue Screen And On Windows Error (Blue Color Display)

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Meaning the problem causes Blue Screen And On Windows Error (Blue Color Display)

Articles on time I'll write about a problem on the windows blue screen and cause problems when the lcd screen or monitor out of the blue color. Here there are many problems and damage when the blue screen appears, there are 10 problems and cause the blue screen. For more details, just clay below. May be useful.
1.IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0X0000000A)This is culprit in the BSOD. Why? Because generally the BSOD, this message most often appears. This error message is caused generally because they have a mismatch driver installed on your computer.List of Causes:Driver issues that clash or do not matchVideo Card problem, this includes the overclocked video card that exceeds the limit or you just changed your video card and have not uninstalled the old video card drivers from the chipset is differentAudio Card issue, including configuration errors or bugs in the sound card driver

2.NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x00000024) or (0X00000023)Well, the message is at least a little "disconnected" gives an overview on where the damage is located, which is on a partition or filesystem but not in HD. We can check by checking the SATA or PATA cable or tool can check the partition with chkdsk.

3.UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (0x0000007F)When you get a message like this, can be caused by:Excessive Hardware OverclockAn overheated computer componentsBIOS is corruptMemory and CPU is disabled4.DATA_BUS_ERRORThis message is caused because of the possibility that memory or the memory slot on the motherboard is damaged.

5.PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREADue to hardware malfunction, including main memory, video card, or memory in the processor (L2 Cache)

6.INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEDue to an error in the wrong hard drive jumper configuration, boot sector virus, the wrong IDE controller driver, or chipset driver error.

7.VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILUREThe error occurs on the video card driver installation is less than perfect, restart during the installation or can also occur because of errors in the installation of the driver.

8.BAD_POOL_CALLERThis error can occur because of errors or incompatible drivers. Often occurs when installing XP from an upgrade, or rather of the new installation.

9.PEN_LIST_CORRUPTThis message is caused due to damage to RAM

10.MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTIONCaused by a defective CPU, or an aggressively overclocked, and the power supply to power shortages or damaged.

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Meaning the problem causes Blue Screen And On Windows Error (Blue Color Display)
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