Surveys - Make the Switch Android Developer Web Applications

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Surveys - Make the Switch Android Developer Web Applications
Application developer (developer) mentions Android coding difficulty in preparing the application for Android. Some of them eventually move on to develop web applications (web apps).
Android operating system is also slowly becoming obsolete by the application developer.
The results of routine quarterly survey conducted Appcelerator open source software companies and research institutions IDC, noted, respondents were developers who said "very interested" in programming on the Android phones are now down to 78.6%.
In fact, the previous survey noted that developers are very interested in Android amounted to 83%.
Decline in interest in developers to develop applications on the Android tablet is true, of approximately 68.1% to 65.9%. They also found it difficult to develop coding for Android tablet applications.
A similar thing happened to the developers of applications for mobile devices IOS operating system from Apple, although the decline was not as Android.
The developers who are interested in making an application before the iPad will now have to go down 88%, of which reached 91% earlier. While developers who want to create iPhone applications there are about 89%.
According to Mike King, an expert on mobile devices strategy of Appcelerator, the main factors Android abandoned by developers is the issue of fragmentation.
Differences in screen size and resolution on Android devices, has made application view is not consistent so as to make Android users do not have the same experience when using the application.
King adds, fragmentation has been a consequence of considering Android is an open operating system that was adopted a variety of vendors.
However, Google's Android as the owner still has relatively many independent developers. Peered only the amount of developer Windows Phone (Microsoft) who had scored 37%, while the BlackBerry (RIM) is only about 16%.
So, where do the developers are turning?
Apparently, according to survey results Appcelerator and IDC, the developers were resorting to develop web applications are built using HTML, CSS and JavaSript, and used / played using the browser.
According to the survey, the number of web application developers to achieve 67%. This figure is slightly higher than the percentage of tablets Android developer.
"This is a response to fragmentation in the Android," said King.

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Surveys - Make the Switch Android Developer Web Applications
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