Determining the exact time and hours for forex trading.

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Forex trading market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. This is a very long period of time. Arguably open market who continued without any rest or sleep. For traders, of course, is very great. Because they are likely to double the advantage at any time.

However as usual the market in general, not every moment is always crowded. There are days where the market is crowded with visitors. And there is a time and empty hours where the market although the market remains open. There are certain months where the market visitors actually exceeds the capacity (before the holiday for example).

So would time and time horizons in forex trading, also very important. You can customize your character with the character of trading strategies forex trading time in general. In order to obtain the results you most out of every trade you.

Time Market (Market Hours)

First we must acknowledge that in the forex trading market is divided into several large trade sessions / main: Session Sydney (Australia), Session Tokyo (Asia), Session London (Europe), Session New York (United States). As we know there are differences in elbow length of time between Australia and the Americas (+16 hours). This is enacting the forex trading market never sleeps. When one market closes, another market is open, and so on.
For more details, let's look at the time and hour when each market open / close.

Sesi/Pasar Jakarta GMT+7 EST GMT
Sydney Buka
Sydney Tutup
04.00 Pagi
12.00 Siang
5:00 PM
2:00 AM
10:00 PM
7:00 AM
Tokyo Open
Tokyo Close
06.00 Pagi
02.00 Siang
7:00 PM
4:00 AM
12:00 AM
9:00 AM
London Open
London Close
02.00 Siang
10.00 Malam
3:00 AM
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
New York Open
New York Close
07.00 Malam
03.00 Pagi
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
12:00 PM
10:00 PM

Hour forex market in Jakarta / Indonesia - GMT 7

Seen from the image above that closing hours and opening to connect to each other, some overlapping some. As time 19.00 s / d 22:00 (European & American Market), also at 06.00 s / d 12:00 (Australian Market & Asia). Naturally when the two markets are open then the volume of trade transactions more automatic, and the price movement becomes more dynamic, especially when European & American Market.

Next let's see how it compares to the movement of pips, in each market.

Table difference in price movement (PIPS) forex pair

Pair Sesi Tokyo/Asia Sesi London/Eropa Sesi NewYork/Amerika
EUR/USD 76 114 92
GBP/USD 92 127 99
USD/JPY 51 66 59
AUD/USD 77 83 81
NZD/USD 62 72 70
USD/CAD 57 96 96
USD/CHF 67 102 83
EUR/JPY 102 129 107
GBP/JPY 118 151 132
AUD/JPY 98 107 103
EUR/GBP 78 61 47
EUR/CHF 79 109 84


Or it could be also called the Asian market, given that Tokyo is a trade center in Asia, accounted for a trade of about 21% of the total transactions for the day. With the Yen is the currency favorites.

Some of the features / characteristics of the Tokyo market sessions are: * Apart from Japan, the countries with the second economic power (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Seoul) is also active in the transaction. Together with China, Japan was exporting countries so that in addition to the Bank of Japan, China, commercial entrepreneurs (Export / Import) also participated also actively traded. * At certain times, liquidity could become very small, seen in a very small price movements (not changed in a relatively long time). Small price movement who is allow to form the breakout level from the previous trend that occurred in the American market, so there is a phase of consolidation of a pair. * The majority of movement occurred during the early trading, which at the moment of fundamental economic news released or out. * Tokyo Market to a certain extent will affect the markets open next reply, Because traders in Europe and America will see what happened before the Tokyo market. * Pair who may be of interest to you are trading the Asian session is, JPY and AUD. Considering China has also grown to become the new econom


European markets took the biggest share of nearly 36% of total trade. European market is the most crowded time, in which thousands of entrepreneurs snapper world class forex trading transactions.

Some of the features / characteristics of the market sessions Tokyo / Asia are:

* Because of the London session had a great time overlapping with other markets then this session becomes very crowded. This resulted in a very high liquidity and spreads become smaller pips.
* Range of price movements to be very high (Volatile).
* Trends happened to the majority will continue until the early session on the New York market trade.
* During the day volatility will decrease over lunch hour to eat and wait for the U.S. session open.
* Some of the important news in the euro zone will also greatly affect the price movement.
* At the European session is all very interesting for the pair to be traded, because of hectic trade. But who remain on the major pairs stringent, namely EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY, and USD / CHF. Some cross pair like EUR / JPY and GBP / JPY also be glimpsed as it moves fairly stable, many traders like a cross pair


NewYork market accounted for approximately 19% of total trade. New York is the center of trade and business in America, the city is also nicknamed the 'City That never sleep' means the city that never sleeps.
And as we all know that the USD is the currency of the world, nearly 90% of trade will always involve a dollar in it.
Some of the features / characteristics of the New York market sessions are:
* High liquidity during the morning (early trading), because of overlapping with the European session. * When important economic news of U.S. release will have enormous power to move prices in pasar.Ingat 90% perdangangan involve dollars. * After European markets closed, the liquidity and volatility also tends to decline (during the afternoon session of the United States). * On Friday American time, the trade will decrease dramatically, because traders Asia and Europe had ceased to move, they are preparing for the holiday weekend. * Some of the trend reversal may also be common in the period of time after the afternoon session of the United States. Some traders do not want to leave open positions to avoid things or news that may occur on weekends. * As in the European market, all couples are very interesting pair played in the American session, you just have extra to give more attention to the time when important news will be and are being released, the dollar will move wildly and even jumping.
Above you have studied the general character of each market, let us proceed a little by knowing the characteristics of the pair on a particular day. So that later you have a portrait of intact and you can determine when, hours, days and time most suitable to you.
Let us see Table pips according to day price movements. Pair Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Pair Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu(Pagi)
EUR/USD 69 109 142 136 145 144
GBP/USD 73 149 172 152 169 179
USD/JPY 41 65 82 91 124 98
AUD/USD 58 84 114 99 115 111
NZD/USD 28 81 98 87 100 96
USD/CAD 43 93 112 106 120 125
USD/CHF 55 84 119 107 104 116
EUR/JPY 19 133 178 159 223 192
GBP/JPY 100 169 213 179 270 232
EUR/GBP 35 74 81 79 75 91
EUR/CHF 35 55 55 64 87 76

Seen that the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, is the time where the market's most crowded and busy.

So ...
When time and the best hours for forex trading:
* Session time Europe is the most busy and crowded.
* When overlapping deliver high volatility and liquidity, this is your chance to quickly reach gain / profit in a short time.
* By mid-week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) where the price movement was at its highest value pips.

When time and hours that are not suitable for forex trading:
* For those of you with an aggressive type. Asian markets become less exciting because of the volatility and low liquidity.
* On Saturday, at which the market will be closed (after the afternoon session of the American market)
* The moments where there is an important world events (world cup soccer, etc.) could make the market became quiet, as traders shift attention.
* When your bedtime, consider this so that you are not blinded by the continuous trading.

Additional material, if necessary:
Table trading portion of each market by country below:
Pasar Negara/Kota Porsi
EROPA(36%) UK/London 31 %
Jerman 5%
AMERIKA(19%) US/NewYork 19%
ASIA(21%) Tokyo 8%
Singapura 5%
Hongkong 4%
Australia 3%
Lainnya(25%) Negara Lainnya 25%

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