Nuri Sahin official to Madrid

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Midfielder Nuri Sahin said, himself ready to work hard to start a new era with his new team, Real Madrid.
"I'm starting to believe all this was real. Joining Madrid is a dream come true. I'm confident and think could be the top choice if it has been recovering from injury," Sahin said as quoted by the official website of Madrid.
"Right now I feel great, same as before my injury. I keep trying to work as hard as my colleagues because it is very excited to begin this new era," he continued.
Sahin recruited Madrid from Borussia Dortmund in the transfer market on 10 May and was tied with a six-year contract. Sahin told of how early he can join the "Los Blancos".
"My agent said I would get a call from someone in Madrid. Five minutes later, I answered the phone and was shocked after knowing it is the (Real Madrid coach Jose) Mourinho. At first I thought it was a joke," said the man was of Turkish origin.
Problem rivalry between Barcelona and Madrid next season, Sahin has its own assessment. "Barcelona in maximum performance, but Madrid is the best team in the last few years, which means we're still the best team in the world," said Sahin.

When asked who the Madrid legend who became his idol, Sahin said, "Zidane one example for me and I'll look more closely at what he did in Madrid."

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Nuri Sahin official to Madrid
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