Valentim Maria Gomes, the World's Oldest Woman

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Guinness World Records named Maria Valentim Gomes as the oldest woman in the world, yesterday. Valentim grandmother is now 114 years old 313 days. He toppled the previous record held Besse Cooper from the United States. Cooper's 48 days younger than Valentim.

wanita_tua98Healthy eating made ​​him long life. He started the day with a cup of coffee, bread, and fruit. Occasionally he enjoys wine.

Valentim was born on July 9, 1896 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Married in 1913, she was a widow since 1946. From his marriage, he had a son who gave her four grandchildren, seven great-, and five great-grandchildren. It is they who had accompanied her daily life.

According to Editor-in-Chief of Guinness World Records Craig Glenday, as long as there is no "claim the success of Brazil in terms of longevity". What often happens is that most of the claims "oldest person" is not accompanied by documents which can be accounted for.

Earlier, a Brazilian woman named Sebastiana de Lourdes Silva admitted 116 years old. He claims to have documents as proof that he deserves the title of the world's oldest woman. However, the Guinness World Records has never examine those documents.

Glenday said, "The title of the oldest applicant must show original birth certificate, which issued at least 20 years after birth, and proof that the bearer of the deed was actually people who are in deed".

When asked the secret of longevity, Maria Valentim Gomes reveals a simple recipe. He said, a healthy diet makes a long life. He started the day with a cup of coffee, bread, and fruit. Occasionally he enjoys wine.

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Valentim Maria Gomes, the World's Oldest Woman
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