Want Limp while Fasting?

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Although not eaten all day, fasting should not be a reason for the limp and listless at work. In some people, feeling tired and sleepy during fasting comes not from not eating but only because not enough sleep.
Not only a time of fasting, which decreases productivity in the workplace is almost always associated with irregular sleep patterns. The difference is, on weekdays from fatigue and sleepiness can be overcome by drinking coffee or tea, or eat a snack.
Another case when you're fasting, one can not drink coffee or tea during the day so that fatigue may be more pronounced than usual days. As a result many are sleepy at work, although most thought it was the effect of not eating all day.
"In many cases, people are sleepy during fasting is not because they do not eat but because of lack of sleep only. Actually, the origin of sufficient sleep and regular pattern, fasting does not need to be a reason for the sleepy," said health experts from RS Mitra Kemayoran sleep, Dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT detikHealth when contacted on Sunday (07/31/2011).
Dr Ade opinion, as he is usually called, a lot of truth, especially for those who work more sitting in the office and just typing all day. Although thinking also takes energy, but the calories needed certainly not as many jobs that tend to rely on physical strength.
Because it's a hobby cook doctors suggest, if you do not want to feel weak as fast then try to sleep at night sufficient both in quality and quantity. If you have to get up early to penyiapkan meal, the evening should not stay up for purposes that are not too important.
Even if nighttime sleep is inadequate, the afternoon can spend a few minutes to do a power-nap, the nap is a short but quality. After noon prayers, for example, a power-nap for 20-30 minutes is sufficient to restore energy.
"Power-nap no need for long, which is important enough to recharge energy. If it is too long is not even good, I'll bablas (no wake) continues to not be working. Naps that are too long sometimes it can even be dizziness, "added Dr. Ade.
Related policies to change the working hours as did many government and private agencies, Dr Ade assume it does not really matter if the reason is not just so tired. As he emphasized repeatedly, the fast should not be a reason for the sleepy.
But for other purposes such as to have more time to perform spiritual activities or gather with family, of course, change work hours is acceptable. What is important according to Dr. Ade, activity schedules and sleep patterns should be adjusted so that each could be organized and not too frequent changes.
"Whether fasting or not, lack of sleep definitely affects productivity. Remember, too, until now no one can replace the effects of substance yag sleep. Caffeine and the like can only delay, at the time of sleep it will come too, if sleep is not enough , "said Dr. Ade.

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Want Limp while Fasting?
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