Which Is More Great Increase Memory, Food or Supplements?

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Currently outstanding variety of supplements that claim if consumed can increase the memory. Which is actually more powerful memory increase, food or supplements?

Researchers did find that getting enough nutrients that can help improve thinking ability and memory, especially when someone is getting old.

To get an idea of ​​whether supplements are beneficial for memory consumption or not, the researchers conducted a study involving 4500 men and women in France aged 45-60 years.

Participants were divided into 2 groups, one gets the supplements that include vitamins C, E, selenium, zinc and beta karotren, while the others get a placebo pill. None of the participants knew whether he received a supplement or a placebo pill and a study conducted over 8 years.

Afterwards all participants are invited to participate in various types of memory tests that include words and numbers and memory flexibility. Known to participants who get the supplement and placebo had similar results.

Geraldine McNeill, a nutritionist from the University of Aberdeen in the UK said that the beneficial effect it can be obtained from a balanced nutritional intake to maintain cognitive performance, especially verbal memory.

"Taking supplements for me is a last resort, and most people do not get the vitamins and nutrients are sufficient dose," McNeill said, as quoted by FoxNews, Saturday (07/30/2011).

The same opinion was expressed by Barbara Shukitt-Hale from Tufts University in Boston who said everyone should know that in order to enhance the ability of the brain is needed more than just taking pills every day.

"Vitamins and minerals are important for memory, but the most important thing is to eat healthy foods, staying active and keeping your brain to stay sharp," said Shukitt-Hale.

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Which Is More Great Increase Memory, Food or Supplements?
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