Unrest in London Spreads to Two Cities

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London (ANTARA News / AFP) - The riots that broke out in British cities of Liverpool and Birmingham during the worst violence in London in a few years threaten to spread to the country on Tuesday.

West Midlands Police confirmed they had arrested 87 young people who rampage in central Birmingham last night, smashing store windows and looted merchandise.

Troops also said that a police station in central England city was burned.

Meanwhile, Merseyside police confirmed Tuesday they were dealing with the unrest in the northwestern city of Liverpool with a couple of cars were burned.

"We will not tolerate any violence on the streets of Liverpool and has taken quick and decisive action in responding," said police spokesman Andy Ward.

Riots have taken place in London since Saturday night after the protests against the death of a man in a police shooting turned violent, but Monday saw an increase in hostilities.

Fire engulfed many areas in the capital when the police are involved in a clash with thousands of looters and gangs of youths on the third day, in a serious disruption.

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Unrest in London Spreads to Two Cities
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