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The Pencil Tool
You use the Pencil tool to draw freehand shapes. You need to draw a tree trunk and a treetop to create a tree.Create the Tree Trunk
- Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid from the menu.
- Deselect Snap to Grid.
- Click OK.
- Choose the Pencil tool.
![Pencil tool](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0401pencil.gif)
- Click the Stroke color box and choose brown as the stroke color.
- Click the Fill color box and choose brown as the fill color.
- On the Modifier panel, if Object Drawing is selected, deselect Object Drawing.
- On the Modifier panel, choose the Smooth option. This option rounds the corners of your drawing.
![Smooth option](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0402modifiers.gif)
- Draw the tree trunk. Make sure the starting point and the ending point connect.
![Draw tree](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0403stroketrunk.gif)
- Choose the Paint Bucket tool. You use the Paint Bucket tool to fill enclosed areas with color.
![Paint Bucket tool](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/04035paintbucket.gif)
- Click inside the trunk to fill the trunk with color.
![Fill tree](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0404filltrunk.gif)
![Close Gaps](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0405gap.gif)
- Choose the Pencil tool.
- Click the Stroke color box and choose green as the stroke color.
- Click the Fill color box and choose green as the fill color.
- Draw a treetop like the one shown here.
- Choose the Paint Bucket tool.
- Click inside the treetop to fill the treetop with color.
![Fill treetop](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0406filltop.gif)
![Create a tree](http://www.baycongroup.com/flash/images/0408tree.gif)
- Choose the Selection tool.
- Double-click the treetop to choose the treetop.
- Drag the treetop over the tree trunk.
Flash Professional 8 views the tree as two objects, the treetop and the tree trunk. In the next exercise you will group the treetop and the tree trunk to cause Flash Professional 8 to view the tree as a single object. Then you will turn the tree into a symbol.- Choose the Selection tool.
- Use the Selection tool to create a rectangle around the tree. This selects the tree.
- Choose Modify > Group from the menu to make the treetop and the tree trunk a single object.
- Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the menu. The Symbol Properties box will open.
- Type Tree in the Name field.
- Choose Graphic as the Behavior type.
- Click OK. The tree now appears in the Library.
- Press the Delete key to remove the tree from the Stage.
Flash Professional 8 Tutorial : The Pencil Tool
Agus Prasetyo