Flash Professional 8 Tutorial : The Pencil Tool

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The Pencil Tool

You use the Pencil tool to draw freehand shapes. You need to draw a tree trunk and a treetop to create a tree.
Create the Tree Trunk
  1. Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid from the menu.
  2. Deselect Snap to Grid.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Choose the Pencil tool.
Pencil tool
  1. Click the Stroke color box and choose brown as the stroke color.
  2. Click the Fill color box and choose brown as the fill color.
  3. On the Modifier panel, if Object Drawing is selected, deselect Object Drawing.
  4. On the Modifier panel, choose the Smooth option. This option rounds the corners of your drawing.
Smooth option
  1. Draw the tree trunk. Make sure the starting point and the ending point connect.
Draw tree
  1. Choose the Paint Bucket tool. You use the Paint Bucket tool to fill enclosed areas with color.
Paint Bucket tool
  1. Click inside the trunk to fill the trunk with color.
Fill tree
Note: If your tree trunk does not fill with color, you might have gaps. To close the gaps, click on the Gap Size modifier and choose Close Large Gaps.
Close Gaps
Create the Tree Top
  1. Choose the Pencil tool.
  2. Click the Stroke color box and choose green as the stroke color.
  3. Click the Fill color box and choose green as the fill color.
  4. Draw a treetop like the one shown here.
  1. Choose the Paint Bucket tool.
  2. Click inside the treetop to fill the treetop with color.
Fill treetop
Create the Tree
Create a tree
  1. Choose the Selection tool.
  2. Double-click the treetop to choose the treetop.
  3. Drag the treetop over the tree trunk.


Flash Professional 8 views the tree as two objects, the treetop and the tree trunk. In the next exercise you will group the treetop and the tree trunk to cause Flash Professional 8 to view the tree as a single object. Then you will turn the tree into a symbol.
  1. Choose the Selection tool.
  2. Use the Selection tool to create a rectangle around the tree. This selects the tree.
  3. Choose Modify > Group from the menu to make the treetop and the tree trunk a single object.
  4. Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the menu. The Symbol Properties box will open.
  5. Type Tree in the Name field.
  6. Choose Graphic as the Behavior type.
  7. Click OK. The tree now appears in the Library.
  8. Press the Delete key to remove the tree from the Stage.

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Flash Professional 8 Tutorial : The Pencil Tool
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