TOKYO : Copilot One Button, Passenger Aircraft Flying Reversed

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A plane owned airline All Nippon Airways, Japan, protected from harm when flying dive and almost upside down, the Japanese Transport Ministry said on Wednesday (28/09/2011).

The Boeing 737-700 was carrying 117 passengers and crew when flying from Shizuoka on September 6. The plane had dived and almost upside down for 30 seconds.

The incident occurred after the co-pilot, one presses the button to open the door of the cockpit for the pilot who had just returned from the toilet.

The plane, which took off from Naha on Okinawa Island in the south, then successfully landed at Haneda Airport, Tokyo, safely.

Two cabin crew suffered minor injuries in the incident, while the four passengers reportedly suffered health problems.

Picture of the Boeing 737-700 flight recorder showed the plane turned right and then turned sharply to the left.

The plane was tilted more than 130 degrees to the left at one point, but the darkness outside makes a lot of passengers who do not realize that the plane they were traveling almost reversed.

"The pictures are amazing. The plane was flying in an unimaginable position," said a pilot told NHK television after the tape was aired to the public.

A senior official told ANA passengers tourists at a press conference on Wednesday said, "We are very sorry for causing anxiety to our passengers," he said.

Japan Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident.

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TOKYO : Copilot One Button, Passenger Aircraft Flying Reversed
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