Many people (guys) are often inferior approaching a girl beautiful and sexy. Most guys have a sense of confidence when you want to "shoot" it's beautiful and sexy girl. Well, they worry and fear of rejection or dicuekin, and shame if it happens, because it could bring down the price of the guy himself. Cook dicuekin rejected and why does the girl ... hahaha ..
Yet if the guy knew the weakness of the girl beautiful and sexy, well ... guaranteed to be a guy who "confident" half-life deh ...
Yet if the guy knew the weakness of the girl beautiful and sexy, well ... guaranteed to be a guy who "confident" half-life deh ...

Ok, I lay out how exactly that is in the mind of this SECTION nan BEAUTIFUL GIRLS:
1. He was also very much hope the attention from the guys around him. It can be observed from the style that was deliberately contrived to attract the attention of boys. If not there is any guy's attention, he will feel cranky original deh ... hehehe ...
2. If already managed to attract a guy to "drool" after seeing her, then the girl pretended to sell expensive. The goal is let the guy more and more desperate to him, and kepikiran continue to carry a dream. But if it turns out the guy actually not dare or not to continue the approach, ensured the girl would be disappointed and down right mental ... because the lure of acting guy failed miserably ... hahaha .. Though he originally ngarep tuh guy still fighting to get him.
3. Beautiful and sexy girls actually do not need a guy that handsome, cool, or athletic six pack. That girl just need a guy who has a GOOD and AMAZING PERSONALITY, namely whether the boy had a private car, private homes, private villas, private deposits and other things privately owned ... hwhwhwhw ...
Well, that's the SECRET to get the girls beautiful and sexy ... Want?
3 Secret Weakness Gadget Girl
Agus Prasetyo