DURING this, sex addicts often addressed to men. Stigma is perhaps due to a worldview which says that man is the party that should be aggressive in bed.
In fact, women can also suffer from sex addiction problems. Agresitivitas and the party who initiated sexual activity can also be solved by women. Recognize women sex addicts through some of the following characteristics, as revealed by the Times of India.
Glad to be a magnet of attentionWomen who suffer from sex addiction (nymphomaniac) require the attention of more than one person. He could go as far as anything to be a magnet for many men. So, beware if your spouse charm on all your friends, colleagues and your boss, or a guy who just met.
Always in a relationshipPast relationships continue to push forward a new series of relationships with other men. The reason why he never himself is that he can not stand alone.
Sex is everywhereNo matter what you say to him, he would only describe the meaning or connotation to satisfy himself sexually. He would attach any conversation with eroticism which eventually leads to sex.
Sex is a drugFor all the pain, anxiety, and problems, the only drug that worked for him was sex. He can not forget.
Too often, too fastIt was his hope of a relationship. While a normal woman just by kissing and cuddling, she was burned with a burning desire to be in bed with you, with full command for you, of course!
Reject him and see his reactionEach man had a day in which the libido is low and fails to reply to your passion. But, dare to refuse a nympho or a sex addict, then he would touch the patterns of extreme behavior, including spitting on you, depression, and fear of withdrawal from everything around her. Extreme suicidal tendencies can also be a consideration.
"It is impossible for sex addicts realize the need for treatment for the problem. In many cases, it is the prerogative. It takes patience to convince him to see an expert. Lack of treatment can not only express a sense of acute embarrassment to the sex addict, but also rested them in legal trouble , especially in the case of women, "explained psychiatrist Dr. Aruna.
source http://asaborneo.blogspot.com/2010/06/6-ciri-ciri-wanita-pencandu-seks.html
6 Characteristics of Female Sex Addicts
Agus Prasetyo