Counter Strike Extreme v5 New Features:
- Added about 20 weapons and player models (which is added and not replaced)
- Effects of the murder
- Its sounds for each weapon
- New special effects
- Highlighting Weapons
- Included in the assembly of six mods: Human Scenario, Deathmatch, Zombie Mod, ZombieScenario plus new effects and animation
- Fixed errors when connecting
- Works search servers
- Added patch solves the problem with error "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' of one of its dependencies not correctly registered ..."
- Normal - classic game
- Human Scenario - hold several rounds of mercenaries and to endure in the last round to destroy the helicopter
- In order that would play in this mode to disable bots and run the map hs_desertstorm otherwise the game may hang
- Deathmatch - a team game on a team with instant respawn
- Ghost Mod - you against a team of ghosts are barely visible and they are armed only with knives
- Zombie Mod - the classic zombie mod. an infected attempts to infect all the others
- Zombie Scenario - alone against hordes of zombies. need to survive and destroy the main and ghouls
- Download all the parts (part 1 to part 5)
- Save / put in a folder - Extract Part 1 (can use WinRAR, WinZip, etc.). Automatic later part 2-4 will own and extracted the contents of which will form the Installer folder.
- Open the extracted folder - then EXTRACT "xtreme_v5_setup.exe, not running yet, but in the first extract. Here I use WinRAR. Will display the file" Setup.exe V5 Xtreme "and" libraryfiles.exe "
- Run the "Xtreme V5 Setup.exe" to install. Then install as usual.
- Ready to play games.
- Counter Strike Xtreme V.5 Part 1 - (200 MB)
- Counter Strike Xtreme V.5 Part 2 - (200 MB)
- Counter Strike Xtreme V.5 Part 3 - (200 MB)
- Counter Strike Xtreme V.5 Part 4 - (200 MB)
- Counter Strike Xtreme V.5 Part 5 - (35 MB)
Free Download Counter Strike Extreme v5 2011
Agus Prasetyo