As treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, he realized the importance of financial sense for his club. But the financial resources of both membership dues and donations from outside only if its members may well have a sense of responsibility and discipline. Sense of responsibility and discipline further characterize the properties of Mohammad Hatta. In 1921 Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to study at Handels Hoge School in Rotterdam. He is registered as a member of the Indische Vereniging. In 1922, the association changed its name to Indonesische Vereniging. Association who refused to cooperate with the Dutch and then renamed again to the Association of Indonesia (PI).
Hatta also arranged for association magazines, Poetra Indies, appeared regularly as the basis of binding among members. In 1924 the magazine changed its name to Indonesia Merdeka. Hatta pass the exam Handels Economie (economy trade) in 1923. At first he intended doctoral exams in economic science at the end of 1925. Therefore in 1924 he was inactive in the PI. But when it opened a new department, which is state law and administrative law. Hatta also entered the department was encouraged by the great interest in politics.
Extension of their study plan that allows Hatta was elected Chairman of the PI on January 17, 1926. On that occasion, she said her inauguration speech, entitled "Wereldbouw Economische en Machtstegenstellingen" - World Economic Structure and the Conflicts of power. He tried to analyze the structure of world economy and based on it, pointing to a non-cooperative foundation of wisdom.
From 1926 to 1930, respectively Hatta was elected Chairman of the PI. Under his leadership, the PI developed from sororities used to be the political organizations that influence the course of popular politics in Indonesia. So finally recognized by the National Political Association Pemufakatan Indonesia (GN) PI as outposts of the national movement in Europe. PI propaganda active outside the Netherlands. Almost every international congress in Europe entered, and received this association. During that time, almost always Hatta himself who led the delegation. In 1926, with the aim of introducing the name "Indonesia", Hatta led a delegation to the Democratic Congress for Peace International in Bierville, France. Without much opposition, "Indonesia" was officially recognized by congress. The name "Indonesia" to mention the Dutch East Indies when it was actually known among international organizations.
Hatta and the Indonesian nationalist movement had significant experience in the League Against Imperialism and Colonial Oppression, an international congress held in Brussels on 10-15 February 1927. At this congress Hatta acquainted with the movement of labor leaders like G. Ledebour and Edo Fimmen, as well as figures who later became statesmen in Asia and Africa such as Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Hafiz Ramadan Bey (Egypt), and Senghor (Africa). His personal friendship with Nehru started since then. In 1927 also, Hatta and Nehru was invited to give lectures for "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom" in Gland, Switzerland. Hatta lecture title L'Indonesie et son probleme de I 'Independence (Indonesia and the Problems of Independence).
Together with St. Nazir. Pamontjak, Sastroamidjojo Ali, and Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat, Hatta was jailed for five and a half months. On March 22, 1928, the tribunal in The Hague to free his fourth of all charges. In a historic session, Hatta argued that amazing defense speech, later published as a pamphlet with the name "Indonesia Vrij", and then translated into Indonesian as a book with the title of an independent Indonesia. Between the years 1930-1931, Hatta concentrate on his studies and writing essays for the magazine Daulat Rajat and sometimes De Socialist. He plans to finish his studies in mid-1932.
In July 1932, Hatta was successfully completed his studies in the Netherlands and a month later he arrived in Jakarta. Between late 1932 and 1933, Hatta main preoccupation was to write a variety of political and economic articles for the Rule of the people and perform a variety of political activities, especially education of political cadres in the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The principle of non-cooperation is always emphasized to his cadres. Hatta harsh reaction against Sukarno attitude with respect to the holder by the Dutch colonial government, which ends with the disposal of Sukarno to Ende, Flores, seen in his writings on the Rule of the People, titled "Sukarno Arrested" (10 August 1933), "The Tragedy of Sukarno" (November 30, 1933), and "attitude Leaders" (December 10, 1933).
In February 1934, after Sukarno exiled to Ende, the Dutch colonial government turned its attention to the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The leadership of the Party of National Education Indonesia was arrested and then exiled to Digoel. A total of seven people. From Jakarta office is Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Bondan. From Bandung office: Maskun Sumadiredja, Burhanuddin, Soeka, and Murwoto. Prior to Digoel, they were imprisoned for nearly a year in jail and Cipinang Glodok, Jakarta. In prison Glodok, Hatta wrote a book entitled The Economic Crisis and Capitalism.
In January 1935, Hatta and his friends arrived in Tanah Merah, Digoel (Papua). Head of government there, Captain van Langen, offers two options: work for the colonial government to pay 40 cents a day with the expectation will be sent home to their hometown, or be discarded by receiving food in kind, with no expectation would be sent to the area of origin . Hatta said, when he would work for the colonial government when he was still in Jakarta, would have become a great man with a big salary anyway. So it is not necessary to him to Tanah Merah to become coolies paying 40 cents a day.
In exile, Hatta regularly writes articles for newspapers Landscape. Honorarium enough to live in Tanah Merah and she can also help his friends. Digoel filled his home in his books are specially brought from Jakarta, as many as 16 crates. Thus, Hatta had enough material to give lessons to his comrades in exile on economics, history, and philosophy. Collection of learning materials were later recorded with titles such as "Introduction to Road Science and Knowledge" and "Natural Greek Thought." (Four volumes).
In December 1935, Captain Wiarda, replacement van Langen, tells us that landfills Hatta and Sjahrir moved to Bandaneira. In January 1936 they went to Bandaneira. They met Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri. In Bandaneira, Hatta and Sjahrir can mix freely with the locals and give lessons to local children in the fields of history, the bookkeeping, politics, and so on Iain. On 3 February 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir brought to Sukabumi. On March 9, 1942, the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese, and on March 22, 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir taken to Jakarta.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta asked to work together as an advisor. Hatta said about the ideals of the Indonesian nation to independence, and he asked if Japan will colonize Indonesia? Daily temporary head of government, Maj. Gen. Harada. replied that Japan would not invade. But Hatta know, that Indonesia's Independence in Japan is different from the understanding on its own terms. Recognition of Free Indonesia by the Japanese need to Hatta as a weapon against the Allies in the future. When the Japanese fascists want to admit it, whether democratic allies will not want to? That's why the Japanese always didesaknya to give such recognition, the newly acquired in September 1944.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta did not talk much. But the speech made at the Field Ikada (now Independence Square) on the date of December 8, 1942 shattering many circles. He said Indonesia apart from the Dutch colonial imperialism. And therefore he did not want to be a colony again. This young and old feel as sharp-sharp. For Indonesian youth, he Iebih like to see Indonesia sank into the sea rather than have it as a colony of people back. "
In early August 1945, the Committee of Inquiry Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence was replaced by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence by Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta as Chairman as the Vice Chairman. Its members consist of representatives of the regions throughout Indonesia, nine out of Java and twelve people from outside Java. On August 16, 1945 night, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence proclamation at a meeting to prepare at home Admiral Maeda (JI Imam Bonjol, now), which ended at 03.00 am the next day. Small committee consisting of five persons, namely Soekarno, Hatta, Soebardjo, Soekarni, and Sayuti Malik broke away into a room to compose the text of the proclamation of independence. Soekarno Hatta asked compose the text of the proclamation of its compact. Soekarno Hatta suggested that wrote the words dictated. After the job was finished. they took him to the living room, where other members are waiting.
Soekarni proposed that the text of the proclamation was signed by two people, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta. All in attendance welcomed with loud applause. Dated August 17, 1945, Indonesia's independence was proclaimed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation, right at 10:00 am at East 56th Street Pengangsaan Jakarta. Dated August 18, 1945, Ir Soekarno was appointed as President of the Republic of Indonesia and Drs. Mohammad Hatta was appointed Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Soekardjo Wijopranoto argued that the President and Vice President should be a duumvirate.
Indonesia should retain its independence from the Dutch Government businesses who wish to re-colonize. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Twice negotiations with the Dutch produce Linggarjati Agreement and the Agreement Reville, but always ended in failure due to cheating by the Dutch. To seek support abroad, in July I947, Bung Hatta went to India to meet Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi. by posing as a co-pilot, named Abdullah (The pilot is Biju Patnaik who later became Minister of Steel India in the government of Prime Minister Morarji Desai). Nehru promised, India could help Indonesia to protest and the resolution to the UN for Dutch punished.
Difficulties and threats faced by turns. September 1948 PKI rebellion. December 19, 1948, the Dutch again launched a second aggression. President and Vice President captured and exiled to the Pacific. But the People's struggle to maintain the independence of Indonesia continued to flare everywhere. Great Commander Soediman continue to lead the struggle bersenjata.Pada dated December 27, 1949 in Den Haag, Bung Hatta, who chaired the Delegation of Indonesia in the Round Table Conference to receive the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of Queen Juliana.
Bung Hatta also became Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia States stands. Then, as the RIS to the Unitary State of Republic Indonesia, Bung Hatta returned to the Vice President. During her time as Vice President, Bung Hatta remained active giving lectures at various institutions of higher education. He also continued to write various essays and scholarly books in economics and cooperatives. He is also actively guide the cooperative movement to implement the ideals of economic conception. July 12, 1951, Bung Hatta radio speech to welcome the Day of Cooperatives in Indonesia. Because besamya Bung Hatta activity in the cooperative movement, on July 17, 1953 he was appointed as the Father of Indonesian Cooperative Cooperatives Congress on Indonesia in Bandung. Bung Hatta thoughts about cooperatives, among others outlined in his book Building a Cooperative and Cooperative Building (1971).
In 1955, Mohammad Hatta declared that if the parliament and the Constituent choice of the people has been formed, he will resign as Vice President. His intention to resign was diberitahukannya through a letter to the chairman of Parliament, Mr. Sartono. Copies of the letter sent to President Sukarno. After the Constituent Assembly was officially opened by the President, Vice-President Hatta told the Speaker of Parliament that on l December 1956 he would put his position as Vice President. President Sukarno tried to stop him, but the Bung Hatta remained at its founding.
On the date 27 November 1956, he received an honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa academic in jurisprudence from the University of Gajah Mada in Yoyakarta. On that occasion, Bung Hatta inaugural speech, entitled Past and Coming. After Bung Hatta resigned as Vice President, several academic degrees are also obtained from various universities. Padjadjaran University in Bandung confirmed Bung Hatta as professor of political science in the economy. Hasanuddin University in Ujung Pandang confer the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Economics. University of Indonesia awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa in the field of jurisprudence. Bung Hatta inaugural speech entitled Towards a State of Law.
In 1960 Mohammad Hatta wrote "Democracy We" in the banner of People magazine. A paper known for highlighting the views and thoughts Bung Hatta on the development of democracy in Indonesia at that time. In the New Order government, Bung Hatta more of an elder statesman for his people than a politician. Rahmi Hatta Rachim married on November l8, 1945 in the village Megamendung, Bogor, West Java. They have three daughters, namely Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi'a, and Halide Nuriah. The two oldest daughters are married. The first was with Dr.. Sri-Edi Swasono and the second with Drs. Mohammad Chalil Baridjambek. Hatta had witnessed the birth of two grandchildren, namely Sri Juwita Hanum Swasono and Mohammad Athar Baridjambek.
On August 15, 1972, President Suharto told the Bung Hatta state of grace in the form of the highest marks of Honor 'Star of the Republic of Indonesia Class I "at a state ceremony at the State Palace. Bung Hatta, proclaimed independence and the First Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, died on March 14, 1980 Hospital Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, at the age of 77 years and was interred in TPU Tanah Kusir on March 15, 1980.
Profiles of the Bung Hatta
Agus Prasetyo