Therapeutic electric rails around Rawabuaya Station, West Jakarta, the world's attention. A number of news agencies and leading overseas media reported phenomenon that has lasted two years.
BBC England as reported on August 2, 2011, "People who suffer from pain in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, make therapy an unusual - and potentially deadly. They claim to lay rails will provide electricity in their body, heal the sick. But the authorities prohibit the act, warning of risk that may arise. "
The news agency Associated Press reported, dozens of people lying on the rails. Sri Mulyati AP interview, a patient with diabetes aged 50 years, who claimed to have surrendered to see a doctor because of cost. And Sri Mulyati glance at the rail as an alternative therapy at no cost.
"I will continue doing so until it is completely healed," said Sri Mulyati.
Sri Mulyati believe this therapy will be successful. He heard rumors of a man half-paralyzed by a stroke was healed when routine therapy was lying across the rails.
Not to forget, Al Jazeera also reported this phenomenon. Reporter Al Jazeera reported, "The locals believe the electric energy of the railway will increase the vitality of the body, also treat diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, rheumatism, gout, obesity and high cholesterol."
"But somehow, this activity is really dangerous," wrote Al Jazeera.
PT Kereta Api (PT KA) is asking the public to stop this activity. According to the Public Relations of PT KA, Mateta Rizalulhaq, the activities of people on the train crossings in addition to endangering life also will disrupt train travel.
"Every day, officials always give the street superintendent for the area's appeal does not lie on the rails. But never heard," said Mateta, Thursday, July 21, 2011, then.
Violating the Law
High electrical voltage is often neglected citizens. Electrical voltage that was previously only around 5-10 volts, will become larger after a train passed.
The act is also considered to have violated the law in accordance with Law Number 23 Year 2007 on the Railways, therefore PT KA asked concerned officials to take action. "Law enforcement should do what his duty," said Mateta.
Seen separately, the Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Djafar Baharudin said police task is to solve the problem if there is interference from kamtibnas.
So, Baharudin said, if people's attitudes in this disturbing, PT KA required to report. (Ren)• VIVAnews
Therapy Rawabuaya Global Electric Railroad
Agus Prasetyo