Tips To Increase Alexa Rank in the blog

Actually the core of the increase alexa rank is to increase the amount of traffic or visits to your website or blog, but often the data in the can by alexa on your blog traffic is not accurate, therefore we as a website or blog owner should try to make a web or blog traffic data we get to alexa accurately.
Here are some tips on increasing alexa rank for web or blog:
* Install the Alexa toolbar on your internet browser you use
As has been mentioned before that will know the amount of traffic or the traffic is through the Alexa toolbar installed on Internet browsers. Actually this way is not only beneficial to your own website or blog, but it is also advantageous for the web or blogs that you frequently visit. But I am sure you will more often visit the blog at your own compared to visiting the blogs of others (because Kang Rohman so dhenk). Interested to install the Alexa toolbar in your browser, install it now.
For users of Internet Explorer:

For FireFox users:

Another alternative for Firefox users (integration between Page Rank and Alexa Rank checker checkher):

* Install the alexa widget in blog
This is another alternative for the machine to know the number of blog visitors alexa accurately, because not all web visitors or our blog install the Alexa toolbar in Internet browsers. If you still find it difficult to install the alexa widget on the blog, please read the article on "Tutorial Alexa Widget in Blog Post".
* Setting your Web or Blog into a Home Page on the Internet browser
What the heck is the purpose of the Home Page of the above? This way, if you are running an Internet browser, will automatically open a web page (depending on the setting actually does), well that's what the site called the home page. It is better this home page in the settings for your own website or blog. Bingunggggg ... how do I setting? oh yes still confused, here ya how:
For Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)
1. Please run internet explorer.
2. Look to the top, there is a menu bar. Click the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
- After its exit option, make sure you're on the General tab, write your blog address on an existing column. eg Click the Apply button and then click the OK button.
For FireFox users essentially the same, similar-similar steps:
For Firefox 3:
1. Please run Firefox it.
2. Click the Tools menu, click Options ...
3. After the exit options, click the Main tab. Fill in the name of the home page with your blog address. click the OK button. Don.
* Make the writing on your blog about alexa
By you making posts about Alexa, then the loyal visitors of your blog would be interested in using the Alexa tool, is certainly advantageous because the data that goes into alexa will be very smooth.
* Increase the number of visitors to your blog.
Alexa rank is a ranking based on number of visits to a website or blog, then of course the more visitors your website or blog, Alexa rank, the better.
Here are some tips for your blog visitors crowded in the visit by:
1. Fill your blog a lot in interest by the crowd. Example: Add a job, tutorials, news, etc..
2. Try to understand it a little bit about the name of SEO, read here!.
3. Register your site on various search engines. Learn more about submit to search engines, read here!
4. Submit your blog to various aggregate or social bookmarking. For English-language blogs try to submit to digg, stumbleupon, ma.gnolia, delicious, furl, technorati, simpy, spurl, reddit, mybloglog, blogcatalog, and others. For Indonesian blog, trying to register on the blog-indonesia, lintas berita, info gue, etc. dal.
5. Make a web of friendster, yuwie, hi5, facebook, and others as a forum for the promotion, but not too aggressively because it can be considered spam.
6. Enter the web address on your blog or forum signature (for those active in the forum).
7. Enter the web address in your blog or email signature.
8. Advertise on free classified ad sites such as:,,, , and others.
9. If you have more funds, try a different pay per click ads such as:kliksaya, kumpulblogger, adsensecamp, and others. If you want a more powerful take a look with google adword.
Tips To Increase Alexa Rank in the blog
Agus Prasetyo