There are many ways to increase page views blog.some way I have done include:
1.multiply number of blog articles
2.install related articles on every post.with so visitors will continue to be tempted to read more articles.
3.title of the article as interesting as this will make visitors curious to open the contents of the article .without title tease and provoke attention, visitors will most likely be spent writing content and more.increasingly attract more visitors headline will read contents.Blog colleague ie I have blogotainmen to 4000 the number of page views per day whereas the number of its news is much less than could .what blog? That's because the owner makes the title of the article are interesting and provoke the viewer to read the contents of the article.
One thing you should know by the number of page views that your blog has a lot of meaning can be included as a publisher to get money.Because advertiser requires some amount of page views to advertise.
How about you do have other ways to increase the page view the blog?
Ways to Increase Page View Blog
Agus Prasetyo