In the field of direct advertising or private advertising , BuySellAds [ BSA ] is the king and is a very good choice for the website owners . Their marketplace is very large as it includes around 6,000+ quality advertisers and over 3,000+ publishers or website owners . As there are many quality advertisers in their network , getting advertisers for your website will not be that much hard . In order to earn money with BuySellAds , first you need to submit your website and if it gets approved , then you can create your ad zones and set a fixed price for 30 days . If your ad zones gets sold , you will get paid according to the price of your ad . You can set your own price for each ad and if it gets sold , you will get 75% of your total earnings from the ad , the rest 25% will be taken by BuySellAds . Your earnings can be paid through Paypal , Cheque ( Check ) or Wire transfer . The minimum payout amount for Paypal is 20$ , $50 for Cheque and 500$ for Wire transfer . Apart from that , you can also create CPM based ad zones i.e. you can also set the price of any ad for every 1000 impressions . And recently , they have also introduced a new feature i.e. ' Sponsored Tweets ' feature . It will let you earn using your Twitter account , that means you can also set any price for every sponsored tweet you make using your official Twitter account .
As a conclusion , we can say that BuySellAds is a great monetization tool for the bloggers as well as for the webmasters . You can easily make some good money if you have a website with a good traffic . It is a little bit hard to get approved by BuySellAds but I finally get approved recently . Stay tuned with us as I will make a post on how to get approved by BuySellAds very soon . I hope that you guys have enjoyed the article , please tell us about your experience with BuySellAds with our readers !
BuySellAds The Best Advertising
Agus Prasetyo