FarmVille in Facebook

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Farmville is a real-time farming simulation game developed by Zynga as applications on social networking sites Facebook and as an App on the iPhone. This game allows Facebook members to manage a virtual farm by planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops and the virtual tree, and maintaining a virtual cattle. [2] Since its launch in June 2009, [3] Farmville has become the most popular game applications on Facebook, with more than 61.6 million active users and more than 24.1 million fans a Facebook application in June 2010. [4] Total users Farmville more than 10% of Facebook users. [5] [6] Nevertheless, by Zynga Farmville still classified as a beta product, with "all the players are currently considered as a tester." They stated that, "Some things will experience errors. Bug will appear" [7] Farmville started as a clone of the first Town Farm popular on Facebook. [8] On February 4, 2010, MSN Games Microsoft has also launched Farmville on the site web [9] [10] which requires a Facebook account but does not require a Windows Live ID account to play it. On June 7, 2010 at Apple's WWDC, Zynga CEO announced that they entered into Farmville IOS platform without using Flash [11] which was then issued on June 23, 2010 for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

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FarmVille in Facebook
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