My first thank you Indra (arek Raos) who have used the contact form to ask us something. Your question has come up before us & I hope this article becomes an antidote. For convenience in pendeskripsian, Search Engine Optimization hereinafter we will call "SEO".
Please note that I am not an SEO expert or anything, but simply as an extension of information ever obtained through various sources. The subject of this we limit the use of SEO on Blogger.com & if there were some irregularities or different opinions, we can discuss together in the comments field.Know Your blog, before you 'touch' SEO
Before proceeding further, we should first know a blog that we manage. Blog will be a lot of talk about what? computers, internet, tutorials, web design, short stories, poetry, or anything else. This means that here we need a theme that we will lift in the form of notes on the web. If a blog has a certain theme, then the next step will be easier to customize SEO.
Selection of the appropriate theme, will produce the right targets as well. Provided that, we always consider the competitors (competitors) who have a similar theme. The more common a theme, the more open opportunities for mutual berkompetisi.Yah, of course with targets more responses. Conversely, the more specific themes led the competition will be reduced & the target will be less.
If we create a blog for a long period of time should be more specific selection of themes, even very special. Live our efforts to popularize the theme to be accepted by others, especially the online man. You do not have that long time, so be prepared to challenge the competitors who are certainly trying to appear to be number 1 (one) in search results pages on any search engine. It's Your Choice.Templates to make it more SEO Optimization Friendly
At this stage, knowledge & understanding of coding is needed. What if the "Copas" course? I do not blame the move, but when a coding of web / blog sources are wrong, probably caused by the blunder-an author when writing the code, of course we will be wrong anyway.
As an outline of the steps of SEO at this stage, among others:
* Try the key words are in a position closing the opening & blogs. As the opening means with respect to the head (header), whereas with regard to foot coverings (footer) blog.
* Changing the title markup
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>
# The meaning of the markup on top of more or less like this,
"if that is displayed is a page of posts,
the blog title is the title of the blog post followed by the title." If not,
then the blog title is the title of the blog itself '".
# Adding meta tags, place it just below the title as the point above.
<meta content='deskripsi about blog Anda' name='description'/><meta content='keyword1,keyword2,keyword3,…' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
Customize the keywords in the footer of the blog, for example:
<p style="font-weight:bold">kata kunci blog Anda</p>
* Or you can be creative with other styles, such as adding keywords to the copyright & forth.
* Customization (X) HTML ((Extensible) Hypertext Markup Language) is the main attribute, the widget id Blog1. Custom made in this area may include: setting the heading (h1 through h6), paragraph, ordered list & unordered lists, and so on. With hopes of posting we will look more semantic-not just providing a sign-but further will give a distinct meaning for the reader (supports readability).
* Set the template to be user friendly. Remove widgets that feels no need to display. Minimum of a blog containing the identity elements of blogs, posts, plot the time sequence, archives, & comment form.
* Set the playing position code element (the post) on top of the sidebar code. If we ever see the position of the sidebar located on the left, does not mean the code main element (the post) is under the code of the sidebar. Well, this is what I mean that we need to learn & understand the coding, both CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML (HyperText Markup Language).
Make the post with the heart of SEO
May sound a bit strange. You have to have a theme & try the theme as a reference to make a post. Illustrations, when you follow the flag ceremony, coinciding at that red and white flag will be raised. What song do you hear? Yes, "Indonesia Raya" & not the song "There Balonku Five".
Up to this point, you have not come face to face with the name of SEO. Why? Because we will try to touch it first. Activity we will do at this stage include:
* Create a post the fruit of his own works in accordance with the theme of the blog. At least the blog has been prepared by posting a 7-10 post.
* Posts should use good Indonesian language. No harm, right? Visitors not only come from the country of origin of authors, so that action can be anticipated to salahtafsir translator's various features. Except you have a specific target audience.
* Try to post as if inviting the reader to interact in it. Not looking for justification, but seek the truth on a subject described. Difficult? Be diligent to read the works of others, not for the "Copas" but to learn grammar, rhythm, and structure of reading.
* Post not only enjoyed by ourselves, but more extensive covering all aspects of you, readers, and machinery. Machine? Well, if the machine can not read, how our blog pages appear in search results.
* Add alt on an image (picture) which include in your post, because images can not be read. Well, by adding a markup image alt in, we provide an alternative text that can interpret the meaning of the image.
* Link the post with another post, if there is a link & it is thought to help visitors to understand the reading. Sometimes we find words or phrases that have a specific link, but that should not have done (are forced to fit together). Do not do the action!
* Do not publish posts 4-5 posts a day (let alone more), because the chances of your blog will be considered as SPAM. Do penskedulan posts, although we can write 10 posts a day. Scheduled post can mean the set date published posts. You can find it at the time of making a post & choose the post option (the "Post Options") right in the bottom of the form editor (writing posts).
* There may be some who argue, giving certain signs in the text which will improve your SEO keywords, such as giving bold (bold), slanted (italic), different coloring (color and / or background), and so on.
Registering to multiple Search Engines Blog
After we did some steps as above, then we start dealing with SEO. We already have the weapons, enough ammunition, and supporting devices. How to register your blog to multiple search engines? You can read the previous posts, such as: sign up on google, yahoo, and bingGeneralization
Based on the above subject, maybe this is just an early stage to optimize a blog in search engines. We could not even know for sure the search results after doing these steps. Not only associated with competitors, but also related to the relevance of a blog is categorized in the list of possible search-and-age of the blog. But certainly, we have been doing SEO efforts on our blog. In spite of it all, this is an article beginning to enrich our knowledge about the step by step towards SEO & did not rule out other artkel will rise into the rest. Keep your eyes on Optimization Blog.
Remember! Theme, description, and keywords must be in accordance with what is contained in our blog. Do not use any manipulation of the elements that give me bold. Readers will be happy if the three elements in accordance with what he scanned on our blog. In contrast, non-compliance will invite readers to leave the impression of antipathy. Do not forget, readers not only people but also machines.
* Customization (X) HTML ((Extensible) Hypertext Markup Language) is the main attribute, the widget id Blog1. Custom made in this area may include: setting the heading (h1 through h6), paragraph, ordered list & unordered lists, and so on. With hopes of posting we will look more semantic-not just providing a sign-but further will give a distinct meaning for the reader (supports readability).
* Set the template to be user friendly. Remove widgets that feels no need to display. Minimum of a blog containing the identity elements of blogs, posts, plot the time sequence, archives, & comment form.
* Set the playing position code element (the post) on top of the sidebar code. If we ever see the position of the sidebar located on the left, does not mean the code main element (the post) is under the code of the sidebar. Well, this is what I mean that we need to learn & understand the coding, both CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML (HyperText Markup Language).
Make the post with the heart of SEO
May sound a bit strange. You have to have a theme & try the theme as a reference to make a post. Illustrations, when you follow the flag ceremony, coinciding at that red and white flag will be raised. What song do you hear? Yes, "Indonesia Raya" & not the song "There Balonku Five".
Up to this point, you have not come face to face with the name of SEO. Why? Because we will try to touch it first. Activity we will do at this stage include:
* Create a post the fruit of his own works in accordance with the theme of the blog. At least the blog has been prepared by posting a 7-10 post.
* Posts should use good Indonesian language. No harm, right? Visitors not only come from the country of origin of authors, so that action can be anticipated to salahtafsir translator's various features. Except you have a specific target audience.
* Try to post as if inviting the reader to interact in it. Not looking for justification, but seek the truth on a subject described. Difficult? Be diligent to read the works of others, not for the "Copas" but to learn grammar, rhythm, and structure of reading.
* Post not only enjoyed by ourselves, but more extensive covering all aspects of you, readers, and machinery. Machine? Well, if the machine can not read, how our blog pages appear in search results.
* Add alt on an image (picture) which include in your post, because images can not be read. Well, by adding a markup image alt in, we provide an alternative text that can interpret the meaning of the image.
* Link the post with another post, if there is a link & it is thought to help visitors to understand the reading. Sometimes we find words or phrases that have a specific link, but that should not have done (are forced to fit together). Do not do the action!
* Do not publish posts 4-5 posts a day (let alone more), because the chances of your blog will be considered as SPAM. Do penskedulan posts, although we can write 10 posts a day. Scheduled post can mean the set date published posts. You can find it at the time of making a post & choose the post option (the "Post Options") right in the bottom of the form editor (writing posts).
* There may be some who argue, giving certain signs in the text which will improve your SEO keywords, such as giving bold (bold), slanted (italic), different coloring (color and / or background), and so on.
Registering to multiple Search Engines Blog
After we did some steps as above, then we start dealing with SEO. We already have the weapons, enough ammunition, and supporting devices. How to register your blog to multiple search engines? You can read the previous posts, such as: sign up on google, yahoo, and bingGeneralization
Based on the above subject, maybe this is just an early stage to optimize a blog in search engines. We could not even know for sure the search results after doing these steps. Not only associated with competitors, but also related to the relevance of a blog is categorized in the list of possible search-and-age of the blog. But certainly, we have been doing SEO efforts on our blog. In spite of it all, this is an article beginning to enrich our knowledge about the step by step towards SEO & did not rule out other artkel will rise into the rest. Keep your eyes on Optimization Blog.
Remember! Theme, description, and keywords must be in accordance with what is contained in our blog. Do not use any manipulation of the elements that give me bold. Readers will be happy if the three elements in accordance with what he scanned on our blog. In contrast, non-compliance will invite readers to leave the impression of antipathy. Do not forget, readers not only people but also machines.
Tips Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Blogger.com
Agus Prasetyo