Previously I've told thaAngry BirdsavailableforWindows, nowAngry Birdsgameavailable on allmobile operatingsystems, such asIOS, Android andnow alsoavailable in WindowsPhone 7. "Now this game isavailableon allmajor mobileoperatingsystemsincludingIOS, Android andalsoalready in Windows7Phone," saiddeveloperAngry Birds, Rovio.Nowyou can alreadydownload thegame AngryBirdsonWindowsMarketplacefor a price$2.99fora popversionand for thosewhowant toplay for free, youcan downloadandtrythe trial version. Irecommended tobuy thepaidversionbecauseyou will beavailabletoplay this gameuntillevel165and it's betterused onWindowsPhone 7devices.Then, whatare you waiting for?Ifyouare one of theusers of WindowsPhone 7, youcanDownloadAngry BirdsGameforWindowsPhone7 viaphone andplaying nowget to level165for thepaidversion.