Mount Rushmore is famous mountains in the United States in South Dakota. Mount Rushmore has four greatest presidents heads carved into the United States, namely George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Gutzon Borglum carved the heads on Mount Rushmore. After Borglum's death, his son, Lincoln, finishing his work. Engraving starts in 1927 and ended in 1941.
Mountain carving project was started in 1927 by Gutzom Borglum. Pemahatannya process uses 90% of dynamite. Before sculpting is complete, Gutzom dunia.Akhirnya Borglum died, the gouge was continued by his son, Lincoln Borglum and completed in 1941. in 1941 the federal government to stop the distribution of funds over the gouge has produced four of the former president of the United States faces. sculpting the statue is also made in slah one inspiration from one of the leading comic jepang.Biaya issued to construct these sculptures is U $ D989, 992.32.
Mount Rushmore in America
Agus Prasetyo