It is often encountered is about link building. Link building is important, but not the only one. Link building is considered the only priority in SEO so much then take a shortcut by doing the spam on blog comments, bookmarks, etc.. Even recklessly: fill an entire blog post comments with spam links, Google hopes will glance at those links and instantly increase its ranking on the SERP. This is wrong. Because it would glance webspam as over-optimized SEO, SEO effort excessive, unnatural, "far-fetched" (check google link building tips). Though SEO is not just on that. It is important at this time lies precisely in the on-page SEO, that is how you create quality content and structuring web / blog such as navigation and internal linking to make visitors feel comfortable in using your web (user experience). What quality and easy for the user, easy for crawlers to crawl. I often find the same comments, the link of the same, and diberondongkan in repeatedly on this blog. It's just not effective and can hurt your SEO efforts are made. The reason?
A. Over-optimized SEO. The number of links that are built outside the normal limits. If your item is worth, the number of links is too much in certain mid-, and link you up low quality (of spam), chances are very high penalty. Not in vain?2. Bad Branding. In the human eye, a brand that has had a "stigma" effect is much more pronounced than the stigma that is given by the search engines (penalty). Imagine if you see spam posts on various blogs by readers: the link is planted too much / barrage and the content of comments are not relevant or origin njeplak, what will happen? People who see it will assess that the brand can not do much besides nyepam. In effect, the level of confidence in the brand declined, brand awareness is lost. Promotional efforts undertaken business destruction turned into a brand.If this is done for marketing, especially if you are just a reseller, then you're doing the actual loss of quality brand is very well known and trusted by the community.
Therefore, be careful when doing business SEO is important, because what you do not solely an effect on SEO, but also on the target (read: user / customer / visitor). If you use the services of SEO, make sure there are clear descriptions of what they are doing SEO efforts. Whether by way of a good link building or spam? Do they understand the structure and content of your website and do a thorough onpage SEO efforts? Is SEO services are always updated with the development of the SEO world? Is involved in professional services? Investigate before you decide. Because the wrong decision could hurt the brand you are awake.
Google has released 52 updates and changes that occurred in April. One point is quite prominent is the "No Freshness boost for low-quality content", meaning that low-quality content will not get the currency of raising ratings (Freshness), since being appointed to the surface / top results are fresh quality content and have a high relevance. Although a new or fresh content, Google will evaluate it first before giving a boost Freshness. Are eligible to appear in top search results or not.
Another old paradigm in terms of SEO is about keyword. The use of keywords is important because of what appears in the search results provide a description of the visitors about the content. Description that contains keywords will make it easy for users to see what is conveyed by a page. Click the possibility would be even greater because the visitors interested. But what happens if the description (either in the title or snippet) a mess, only contain keywords without establishing a clear sentence or phrase? Of course visitors will be confused and possibly clicks (CTR) actually small. Therefore, keyword stuffing (with keywords content flooding) is what Google fight. This business is no longer valid in SEO today.Example of keyword stuffing that is outrageous:
We take a look at the example image, the keyword phrase is written very many andvaried with no clear information about what is actually delivered. The use of keywords such as it was intended to achieve a high SERP results, but now it does not affectanything other than a penalty. Ways that do usually is to hide the content as above by using the CSS display or visibility (display: none or visibility: hidden, or both) so that the reader does not see it. Another way is to use dynamic content, usually by making use ofXML tags, base64 or eval (encryption) to call certain automated content.
There are many examples and other SEO practices are quite varied, but what is presented to me enough to give an overview of SEO efforts that have been worn, let alone that such practices are more inclined to black hat SEO that the effect is onlymomentary.
Some examples of paradigms and ways of optimization SEO website / blog aboveshould not necessarily be accepted by the crude. There are many developments andchanges (update) search engine today. Technology continues to evolve, and searchengines continue to perform updates to the algorithm, so we need to review the SEOeffort we are doing and be careful with the instructions or SEO tutorials are obsolete ornot up-to-date, it can even be misleading.
Latest Information About Google, Penguin, and SEO Paradigm
Agus Prasetyo