Biggest breasted man

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manboobsFor business breast size, departure measuring is Pamela Anderson. However, now the television series Baywatch actress had a competitor. However, Anderson does not need to worry because the competitors were a man.
Doctors in China claimed to have invented the world's largest barrel-chested man after a farmer checked out at a specialist breast clinic in Beijing.
Doctor Zhang Lilan from Jinan Chest Hospital said the man named Guo Feng is no different from other men. Stout, strapping, and muscular. "But the difference, big breasts," said doctor Zhang.
However, this condition is precisely dizzying Guo Feng. "He was deeply uncomfortable, especially when working. Everyday he is dealing with manual work, but the big chest is always disturbing," said doctor Zhang.
Not only that, an unusual physical appearance clearly always attract people's attention. "Everyone who saw it must have looked, then laughed at him. Unable to stand, he finally had to wear a thick jacket to cover her breasts. No exception when it is hot," said Zhang
According to Guo Feng, his chest began to swell about 10 years ago. "Initially, I did not really care because when I was getting fat. However, the last few years, things were getting out of control. I've checked into some hospital, but no one can help," said Guo Feng.
Do not ask about the cost. 53-year-old man admitted that he had an all-out weirdness to cure it.
"I've spent all my money for the check and the various tests. But it is no solution. In fact, more and more of my chest," said Guo Feng despairingly.
According to him, doctors are reluctant to help because it believes the condition is a medical oddity.
"If no one can help, I'll cut yourself these two breasts. Therefore, I ask the doctor to do something, before I was desperate," said the peasant poor.
However, the doctors who are now handling the case has not been willing to act before they found the base of the problem.
"For 30 years as a physician specialist at this hospital, I've never come across a case like this," said Dr. Zhang.
Director of the hospital, Gaoyong Hong, adding, "Initially we thought he had eaten poison or food ingredient that has been contaminated. However, blood tests found nothing. Genetically he was normal. Based on the results of any x-rays, the breasts are not have cancer. "
"Maybe it has something to do with fat. Clearly, we can state that we find the world's biggest breasted man," said Hong Gaoyong.

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